August 2021 (Updated April 2024)


Below are the details of Microsoft Graph permissions including IDs which are required when using Terraform, PowerShell or Azure CLI.

Update April 2024

Thanks to this GitHub issue raised by jan-swiecki, I have updated this article with an example of how to find the ID of the MS Graph permissions using Terraform with the azuread_service_principal resource. This functionality was introduced just after I had written the original article. The below Terraform file demonstrates outputing the IDs via variables and also how to use the permission IDs to create an application.

Thanks again to jan-swiecki for taking the time to share this knowledge.

Original article continues

In my previous article on using Terraform to deploy to Azure AD, I used the required_resource_access argument in the Terraform azuread_application resource to set the Microsoft Graph API permissions for the app being created. One thing that stumped me for a bit was how to get the ID of the permission. This wasn’t available on the Microsoft Graph API permissions documentation at the time of writing.

Searching showed that you can see the current API grants of an application by the Azure CLI by running:

 az ad app show --id 

This outputs the following section:

  "requiredResourceAccess": [
      "additionalProperties": null,
      "resourceAccess": [
          "additionalProperties": null,
          "id": "7ab1d382-f21e-4acd-a863-ba3e13f7da61",
          "type": "Role"
      "resourceAppId": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"

The resourceAppId in the above snippet is for the Microsoft Graph. This post has details of the other application IDs for Microsoft resources. The resourceAccess ID is for the role Directory.Read.All and this is what is displayed in the Azure portal. This was a start but I wanted to know other IDs and this method only showed what was already granted to that app. I couldn’t find a way to do this via the Azure CLI or PowerShell.

I ended up finding this comment on a GitHub issue that showed how to retrieve the information from the MS Graph by the following query:$filter=appId eq '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'&$select=appRoles, oauth2PermissionScopes.

I created a basic python cli script to get this information, format it and output it in a markdown table which is what is below to be used for future reference.

Note: Role permissions display as Application and scope permissions display as Delegated in the Azure portal.

permissions displayed in the portal

Role permissions

Role Name ID Display Name Description
APIConnectors.Read.All b86848a7-d5b1-41eb-a9b4-54a4e6306e97 Read API connectors for authentication flows Allows the app to read the API connectors used in user authentication flows, without a signed-in user.
APIConnectors.ReadWrite.All 1dfe531a-24a6-4f1b-80f4-7a0dc5a0a171 Read and write API connectors for authentication flows Allows the app to read, create and manage the API connectors used in user authentication flows, without a signed-in user.
AccessReview.Read.All d07a8cc0-3d51-4b77-b3b0-32704d1f69fa Read all access reviews Allows the app to read access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings in the organization, without a signed-in user.
AccessReview.ReadWrite.All ef5f7d5c-338f-44b0-86c3-351f46c8bb5f Manage all access reviews Allows the app to read, update, delete and perform actions on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings in the organization, without a signed-in user.
AccessReview.ReadWrite.Membership 18228521-a591-40f1-b215-5fad4488c117 Manage access reviews for group and app memberships Allows the app to read, update, delete and perform actions on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings in the organization for group and app memberships, without a signed-in user.
AdministrativeUnit.Read.All 134fd756-38ce-4afd-ba33-e9623dbe66c2 Read all administrative units Allows the app to read administrative units and administrative unit membership without a signed-in user.
AdministrativeUnit.ReadWrite.All 5eb59dd3-1da2-4329-8733-9dabdc435916 Read and write all administrative units Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete administrative units and manage administrative unit membership without a signed-in user.
Agreement.Read.All 2f3e6f8c-093b-4c57-a58b-ba5ce494a169 Read all terms of use agreements Allows the app to read terms of use agreements, without a signed in user.
Agreement.ReadWrite.All c9090d00-6101-42f0-a729-c41074260d47 Read and write all terms of use agreements Allows the app to read and write terms of use agreements, without a signed in user.
AgreementAcceptance.Read.All d8e4ec18-f6c0-4620-8122-c8b1f2bf400e Read all terms of use acceptance statuses Allows the app to read terms of use acceptance statuses, without a signed in user.
AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All 06b708a9-e830-4db3-a914-8e69da51d44f Manage app permission grants and app role assignments Allows the app to manage permission grants for application permissions to any API (including Microsoft Graph) and application assignments for any app, without a signed-in user.
Application.Read.All 9a5d68dd-52b0-4cc2-bd40-abcf44ac3a30 Read all applications Allows the app to read all applications and service principals without a signed-in user.
Application.ReadWrite.All 1bfefb4e-e0b5-418b-a88f-73c46d2cc8e9 Read and write all applications Allows the app to create, read, update and delete applications and service principals without a signed-in user. Does not allow management of consent grants.
Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy 18a4783c-866b-4cc7-a460-3d5e5662c884 Manage apps that this app creates or owns Allows the app to create other applications, and fully manage those applications (read, update, update application secrets and delete), without a signed-in user.  It cannot update any apps that it is not an owner of.
ApprovalRequest.Read.AdminConsentRequest 0d9d2e88-e2eb-4ac7-9b1d-9b68ed9f9f4f Read all admin consent approval requests Allows the app to read admin consent requests, business flows, and governance policy templates without a signed-in user.
ApprovalRequest.Read.CustomerLockbox 080ce695-a830-4d5c-a45a-375e3ab11b11 Read all customer lockbox approval requests Allows the app to read customer lockbox requests, business flows, and governance policy templates without a signed-in user.
ApprovalRequest.Read.EntitlementManagement b2a3adf0-5774-4846-986c-a91c705b0141 Read all entitlement management approval requests Allows the app to read entitlement management requests, business flows, and governance policy templates without a signed-in user.
ApprovalRequest.Read.PriviligedAccess 3f410ed8-2d83-4435-b2c4-c776f44e4ae1 Read all privileged access approval requests Allows the app to read privileged access requests, business flows, and governance policy templates without a signed-in user.
ApprovalRequest.ReadWrite.AdminConsentRequest afe5c674-a576-4b80-818c-e3d7f6afd299 Read and write all admin consent approval requests Allows the app to read and write admin consent requests, business flows, and governance policy templates without a signed-in user.
ApprovalRequest.ReadWrite.CustomerLockbox 5f411d27-abad-4dc3-83c6-b84a46ffa434 Read and write all customer lockbox approval requests Allows the app to read and write customer lockbox requests, business flows, and governance policy templates without a signed-in user.
ApprovalRequest.ReadWrite.EntitlementManagement fbfdecc9-4b78-4882-bb98-7decbddcbddf Read and write all entitlement management approval requests Allows the app to read and write entitlement management requests, business flows, and governance policy templates without a signed-in user.
ApprovalRequest.ReadWrite.PriviligedAccess 60182ac6-4565-4baa-8b04-9350fe8dbfca Read and write all privileged access approval requests Allows the app to read and write privileged access requests, business flows, and governance policy templates without a signed-in user.
AuditLog.Read.All b0afded3-3588-46d8-8b3d-9842eff778da Read all audit log data Allows the app to read and query your audit log activities, without a signed-in user.
BitlockerKey.Read.All 57f1cf28-c0c4-4ec3-9a30-19a2eaaf2f6e Read all BitLocker keys Allows an app to read BitLocker keys for all devices, without a signed-in user. Allows read of the recovery key.
BitlockerKey.ReadBasic.All f690d423-6b29-4d04-98c6-694c42282419 Read all BitLocker keys basic information Allows an app to read basic BitLocker key properties for all devices, without a signed-in user. Does not allow read of the recovery key.
Calendars.Read 798ee544-9d2d-430c-a058-570e29e34338 Read calendars in all mailboxes Allows the app to read events of all calendars without a signed-in user.
Calendars.ReadWrite ef54d2bf-783f-4e0f-bca1-3210c0444d99 Read and write calendars in all mailboxes Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete events of all calendars without a signed-in user.
CallRecord-PstnCalls.Read.All a2611786-80b3-417e-adaa-707d4261a5f0 Read PSTN and direct routing call log data Allows the app to read all PSTN and direct routing call log data without a signed-in user.
CallRecords.Read.All 45bbb07e-7321-4fd7-a8f6-3ff27e6a81c8 Read all call records Allows the app to read call records for all calls and online meetings without a signed-in user.
Calls.AccessMedia.All a7a681dc-756e-4909-b988-f160edc6655f Access media streams in a call as an app Allows the app to get direct access to media streams in a call, without a signed-in user.
Calls.Initiate.All 284383ee-7f6e-4e40-a2a8-e85dcb029101 Initiate outgoing 1 to 1 calls from the app Allows the app to place outbound calls to a single user and transfer calls to users in your organization’s directory, without a signed-in user.
Calls.InitiateGroupCall.All 4c277553-8a09-487b-8023-29ee378d8324 Initiate outgoing group calls from the app Allows the app to place outbound calls to multiple users and add participants to meetings in your organization, without a signed-in user.
Calls.JoinGroupCall.All f6b49018-60ab-4f81-83bd-22caeabfed2d Join group calls and meetings as an app Allows the app to join group calls and scheduled meetings in your organization, without a signed-in user.  The app will be joined with the privileges of a directory user to meetings in your organization.
Calls.JoinGroupCallAsGuest.All fd7ccf6b-3d28-418b-9701-cd10f5cd2fd4 Join group calls and meetings as a guest Allows the app to anonymously join group calls and scheduled meetings in your organization, without a signed-in user.  The app will be joined as a guest to meetings in your organization.
Channel.Create f3a65bd4-b703-46df-8f7e-0174fea562aa Create channels Create channels in any team, without a signed-in user.
Channel.Delete.All 6a118a39-1227-45d4-af0c-ea7b40d210bc Delete channels Delete channels in any team, without a signed-in user.
Channel.ReadBasic.All 59a6b24b-4225-4393-8165-ebaec5f55d7a Read the names and descriptions of all channels Read all channel names and channel descriptions, without a signed-in user.
ChannelMember.Read.All 3b55498e-47ec-484f-8136-9013221c06a9 Read the members of all channels Read the members of all channels, without a signed-in user.
ChannelMember.ReadWrite.All 35930dcf-aceb-4bd1-b99a-8ffed403c974 Add and remove members from all channels Add and remove members from all channels, without a signed-in user. Also allows changing a member’s role, for example from owner to non-owner.
ChannelMessage.Read.All 7b2449af-6ccd-4f4d-9f78-e550c193f0d1 Read all channel messages Allows the app to read all channel messages in Microsoft Teams
ChannelMessage.UpdatePolicyViolation.All 4d02b0cc-d90b-441f-8d82-4fb55c34d6bb Flag channel messages for violating policy Allows the app to update Microsoft Teams channel messages by patching a set of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy violation properties to handle the output of DLP processing.
ChannelSettings.Read.All c97b873f-f59f-49aa-8a0e-52b32d762124 Read the names, descriptions, and settings of all channels Read all channel names, channel descriptions, and channel settings, without a signed-in user.
ChannelSettings.ReadWrite.All 243cded2-bd16-4fd6-a953-ff8177894c3d Read and write the names, descriptions, and settings of all channels Read and write the names, descriptions, and settings of all channels, without a signed-in user.
Chat.Create d9c48af6-9ad9-47ad-82c3-63757137b9af Create chats Allows the app to create chats without a signed-in user. 
Chat.Read.All 6b7d71aa-70aa-4810-a8d9-5d9fb2830017 Read all chat messages Allows the app to read all 1-to-1 or group chat messages in Microsoft Teams.
Chat.ReadBasic.All b2e060da-3baf-4687-9611-f4ebc0f0cbde Read names and members of all chat threads Read names and members of all one-to-one and group chats in Microsoft Teams, without a signed-in user.
Chat.ReadWrite.All 294ce7c9-31ba-490a-ad7d-97a7d075e4ed Read and write all chat messages Allows an app to read and write all chat messages in Microsoft Teams, without a signed-in user.
Chat.UpdatePolicyViolation.All 7e847308-e030-4183-9899-5235d7270f58 Flag chat messages for violating policy Allows the app to update Microsoft Teams 1-to-1 or group chat messages by patching a set of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy violation properties to handle the output of DLP processing.
ChatMember.Read.All a3410be2-8e48-4f32-8454-c29a7465209d Read the members of all chats Read the members of all chats, without a signed-in user.
ChatMember.ReadWrite.All 57257249-34ce-4810-a8a2-a03adf0c5693 Add and remove members from all chats Add and remove members from all chats, without a signed-in user.
ChatMessage.Read.All b9bb2381-47a4-46cd-aafb-00cb12f68504 Read all chat messages Allows the app to read all one-to-one and group chats messages in Microsoft Teams, without a signed-in user.
CloudPC.Read.All a9e09520-8ed4-4cde-838e-4fdea192c227 Read Cloud PCs Allows the app to read the properties of Cloud PCs, without a signed-in user.
CloudPC.ReadWrite.All 3b4349e1-8cf5-45a3-95b7-69d1751d3e6a Read and write Cloud PCs Allows the app to read and write the properties of Cloud PCs, without a signed-in user.
ConsentRequest.Read.All 1260ad83-98fb-4785-abbb-d6cc1806fd41 Read all consent requests Allows the app to read consent requests and approvals without a signed-in user.
ConsentRequest.ReadWrite.All 9f1b81a7-0223-4428-bfa4-0bcb5535f27d Read and write all consent requests Allows the app to read app consent requests and approvals, and deny or approve those requests without a signed-in user.
Contacts.Read 089fe4d0-434a-44c5-8827-41ba8a0b17f5 Read contacts in all mailboxes Allows the app to read all contacts in all mailboxes without a signed-in user.
Contacts.ReadWrite 6918b873-d17a-4dc1-b314-35f528134491 Read and write contacts in all mailboxes Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete all contacts in all mailboxes without a signed-in user.
DelegatedPermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All 8e8e4742-1d95-4f68-9d56-6ee75648c72a Manage all delegated permission grants Allows the app to manage permission grants for delegated permissions exposed by any API (including Microsoft Graph), without a signed-in user.
Device.Read.All 7438b122-aefc-4978-80ed-43db9fcc7715 Read all devices Allows the app to read your organization’s devices’ configuration information without a signed-in user.
Device.ReadWrite.All 1138cb37-bd11-4084-a2b7-9f71582aeddb Read and write devices Allows the app to read and write all device properties without a signed in user. Does not allow device creation, device deletion or update of device alternative security identifiers.
DeviceManagementApps.Read.All 7a6ee1e7-141e-4cec-ae74-d9db155731ff Read Microsoft Intune apps Allows the app to read the properties, group assignments and status of apps, app configurations and app protection policies managed by Microsoft Intune, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All 78145de6-330d-4800-a6ce-494ff2d33d07 Read and write Microsoft Intune apps Allows the app to read and write the properties, group assignments and status of apps, app configurations and app protection policies managed by Microsoft Intune, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All dc377aa6-52d8-4e23-b271-2a7ae04cedf3 Read Microsoft Intune device configuration and policies Allows the app to read properties of Microsoft Intune-managed device configuration and device compliance policies and their assignment to groups, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All 9241abd9-d0e6-425a-bd4f-47ba86e767a4 Read and write Microsoft Intune device configuration and policies Allows the app to read and write properties of Microsoft Intune-managed device configuration and device compliance policies and their assignment to groups, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementManagedDevices.PrivilegedOperations.All 5b07b0dd-2377-4e44-a38d-703f09a0dc3c Perform user-impacting remote actions on Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to perform remote high impact actions such as wiping the device or resetting the passcode on devices managed by Microsoft Intune, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All 2f51be20-0bb4-4fed-bf7b-db946066c75e Read Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to read the properties of devices managed by Microsoft Intune, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All 243333ab-4d21-40cb-a475-36241daa0842 Read and write Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to read and write the properties of devices managed by Microsoft Intune, without a signed-in user. Does not allow high impact operations such as remote wipe and password reset on the device’s owner
DeviceManagementRBAC.Read.All 58ca0d9a-1575-47e1-a3cb-007ef2e4583b Read Microsoft Intune RBAC settings Allows the app to read the properties relating to the Microsoft Intune Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) settings, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementRBAC.ReadWrite.All e330c4f0-4170-414e-a55a-2f022ec2b57b Read and write Microsoft Intune RBAC settings Allows the app to read and write the properties relating to the Microsoft Intune Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) settings, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All 06a5fe6d-c49d-46a7-b082-56b1b14103c7 Read Microsoft Intune configuration Allows the app to read Microsoft Intune service properties including device enrollment and third party service connection configuration, without a signed-in user.
DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All 5ac13192-7ace-4fcf-b828-1a26f28068ee Read and write Microsoft Intune configuration Allows the app to read and write Microsoft Intune service properties including device enrollment and third party service connection configuration, without a signed-in user.
Directory.Read.All 7ab1d382-f21e-4acd-a863-ba3e13f7da61 Read directory data Allows the app to read data in your organization’s directory, such as users, groups and apps, without a signed-in user.
Directory.ReadWrite.All 19dbc75e-c2e2-444c-a770-ec69d8559fc7 Read and write directory data Allows the app to read and write data in your organization’s directory, such as users, and groups, without a signed-in user. Does not allow user or group deletion.
Domain.Read.All dbb9058a-0e50-45d7-ae91-66909b5d4664 Read domains Allows the app to read all domain properties without a signed-in user.
Domain.ReadWrite.All 7e05723c-0bb0-42da-be95-ae9f08a6e53c Read and write domains Allows the app to read and write all domain properties without a signed in user.  Also allows the app to add,  verify and remove domains.
EduAdministration.Read.All 7c9db06a-ec2d-4e7b-a592-5a1e30992566 Read Education app settings Read the state and settings of all Microsoft education apps.
EduAdministration.ReadWrite.All 9bc431c3-b8bc-4a8d-a219-40f10f92eff6 Manage education app settings Manage the state and settings of all Microsoft education apps.
EduAssignments.Read.All 4c37e1b6-35a1-43bf-926a-6f30f2cdf585 Read class assignments with grades Allows the app to read assignments and their grades for all users.
EduAssignments.ReadBasic.All 6e0a958b-b7fc-4348-b7c4-a6ab9fd3dd0e Read class assignments without grades Allows the app to read assignments without grades for all users.
EduAssignments.ReadWrite.All 0d22204b-6cad-4dd0-8362-3e3f2ae699d9 Read and write class assignments with grades Allows the app to read and write assignments and their grades for all users.
EduAssignments.ReadWriteBasic.All f431cc63-a2de-48c4-8054-a34bc093af84 Read and write class assignments without grades Allows the app to read and write assignments without grades for all users.
EduRoster.Read.All e0ac9e1b-cb65-4fc5-87c5-1a8bc181f648 Read the organization’s roster Allows the app to read the structure of schools and classes in the organization’s roster and education-specific information about all users to be read.
EduRoster.ReadBasic.All 0d412a8c-a06c-439f-b3ec-8abcf54d2f96 Read a limited subset of the organization’s roster Allows the app to read a limited subset of properties from both the structure of schools and classes in the organization’s roster and education-specific information about all users. Includes name, status, role, email address and photo.
EduRoster.ReadWrite.All d1808e82-ce13-47af-ae0d-f9b254e6d58a Read and write the organization’s roster Allows the app to read and write the structure of schools and classes in the organization’s roster and education-specific information about all users to be read and written.
EntitlementManagement.Read.All c74fd47d-ed3c-45c3-9a9e-b8676de685d2 Read all entitlement management resources Allows the app to read access packages and related entitlement management resources without a signed-in user.
EntitlementManagement.ReadWrite.All 9acd699f-1e81-4958-b001-93b1d2506e19 Read and write all entitlement management resources Allows the app to read and write access packages and related entitlement management resources without a signed-in user.
ExternalConnection.ReadWrite.OwnedBy f431331c-49a6-499f-be1c-62af19c34a9d Read and write external connections Allows the app to read and write external connections without a signed-in user. The app can only read and write external connections that it is authorized to, or it can create new external connections.
ExternalItem.ReadWrite.All 38c3d6ee-69ee-422f-b954-e17819665354 Read and write items in external datasets Allow the app to read or write items in all external datasets that the app is authorized to access
ExternalItem.ReadWrite.OwnedBy 8116ae0f-55c2-452d-9944-d18420f5b2c8 Read and write external items Allows the app to read and write external items without a signed-in user. The app can only read external items of the connection that it is authorized to.
Files.Read.All 01d4889c-1287-42c6-ac1f-5d1e02578ef6 Read files in all site collections Allows the app to read all files in all site collections without a signed in user.
Files.ReadWrite.All 75359482-378d-4052-8f01-80520e7db3cd Read and write files in all site collections Allows the app to read, create, update and delete all files in all site collections without a signed in user.
Group.Create bf7b1a76-6e77-406b-b258-bf5c7720e98f Create groups Allows the app to create groups without a signed-in user.
Group.Read.All 5b567255-7703-4780-807c-7be8301ae99b Read all groups Allows the app to read group properties and memberships, and read the calendar and conversations for all groups, without a signed-in user.
Group.ReadWrite.All 62a82d76-70ea-41e2-9197-370581804d09 Read and write all groups Allows the app to create groups, read all group properties and memberships, update group properties and memberships, and delete groups. Also allows the app to read and write group calendar and conversations. All of these operations can be performed by the app without a signed-in user.
GroupMember.Read.All 98830695-27a2-44f7-8c18-0c3ebc9698f6 Read all group memberships Allows the app to read memberships and basic group properties for all groups without a signed-in user.
GroupMember.ReadWrite.All dbaae8cf-10b5-4b86-a4a1-f871c94c6695 Read and write all group memberships Allows the app to list groups, read basic properties, read and update the membership of the groups this app has access to without a signed-in user. Group properties and owners cannot be updated and groups cannot be deleted.
IdentityProvider.Read.All e321f0bb-e7f7-481e-bb28-e3b0b32d4bd0 Read identity providers Allows the app to read your organization’s identity (authentication) providers’ properties without a signed in user.
IdentityProvider.ReadWrite.All 90db2b9a-d928-4d33-a4dd-8442ae3d41e4 Read and write identity providers Allows the app to read and write your organization’s identity (authentication) providers’ properties without a signed in user.
IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All 6e472fd1-ad78-48da-a0f0-97ab2c6b769e Read all identity risk event information Allows the app to read the identity risk event information for your organization without a signed in user.
IdentityRiskEvent.ReadWrite.All db06fb33-1953-4b7b-a2ac-f1e2c854f7ae Read and write all risk detection information Allows the app to read and update identity risk detection information for your organization without a signed-in user. Update operations include confirming risk event detections. 
IdentityRiskyUser.Read.All dc5007c0-2d7d-4c42-879c-2dab87571379 Read all identity risky user information Allows the app to read the identity risky user information for your organization without a signed in user.
IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All 656f6061-f9fe-4807-9708-6a2e0934df76 Read and write all risky user information Allows the app to read and update identity risky user information for your organization without a signed-in user.  Update operations include dismissing risky users.
IdentityUserFlow.Read.All 1b0c317f-dd31-4305-9932-259a8b6e8099 Read all identity user flows Allows the app to read your organization’s user flows, without a signed-in user.
IdentityUserFlow.ReadWrite.All 65319a09-a2be-469d-8782-f6b07debf789 Read and write all identity user flows Allows the app to read or write your organization’s user flows, without a signed-in user.
InformationProtectionPolicy.Read.All 19da66cb-0fb0-4390-b071-ebc76a349482 Read all published labels and label policies for an organization. Allows an app to read published sensitivity labels and label policy settings for the entire organization or a specific user, without a signed in user.
Mail.Read 810c84a8-4a9e-49e6-bf7d-12d183f40d01 Read mail in all mailboxes Allows the app to read mail in all mailboxes without a signed-in user.
Mail.ReadBasic 6be147d2-ea4f-4b5a-a3fa-3eab6f3c140a Read basic mail in all mailboxes Allows the app to read basic mail properties in all mailboxes without a signed-in user. Includes all properties except body, previewBody, attachments and any extended properties.
Mail.ReadBasic.All 693c5e45-0940-467d-9b8a-1022fb9d42ef Read basic mail in all mailboxes Allows the app to read basic mail properties in all mailboxes without a signed-in user. Includes all properties except body, previewBody, attachments and any extended properties.
Mail.ReadWrite e2a3a72e-5f79-4c64-b1b1-878b674786c9 Read and write mail in all mailboxes Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete mail in all mailboxes without a signed-in user. Does not include permission to send mail.
Mail.Send b633e1c5-b582-4048-a93e-9f11b44c7e96 Send mail as any user Allows the app to send mail as any user without a signed-in user.
MailboxSettings.Read 40f97065-369a-49f4-947c-6a255697ae91 Read all user mailbox settings Allows the app to read user’s mailbox settings without a signed-in user. Does not include permission to send mail.
MailboxSettings.ReadWrite 6931bccd-447a-43d1-b442-00a195474933 Read and write all user mailbox settings Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete user’s mailbox settings without a signed-in user. Does not include permission to send mail.
Member.Read.Hidden 658aa5d8-239f-45c4-aa12-864f4fc7e490 Read all hidden memberships Allows the app to read the memberships of hidden groups and administrative units without a signed-in user.
Notes.Read.All 3aeca27b-ee3a-4c2b-8ded-80376e2134a4 Read all OneNote notebooks Allows the app to read all the OneNote notebooks in your organization, without a signed-in user.
Notes.ReadWrite.All 0c458cef-11f3-48c2-a568-c66751c238c0 Read and write all OneNote notebooks Allows the app to read all the OneNote notebooks in your organization, without a signed-in user.
OnPremisesPublishingProfiles.ReadWrite.All 0b57845e-aa49-4e6f-8109-ce654fffa618 Manage on-premises published resources Allows the app to create, view, update and delete on-premises published resources, on-premises agents and agent groups, as part of a hybrid identity configuration, without a signed in user.
OnlineMeetings.Read.All c1684f21-1984-47fa-9d61-2dc8c296bb70 Read online meeting details Allows the app to read online meeting details in your organization, without a signed-in user.
OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All b8bb2037-6e08-44ac-a4ea-4674e010e2a4 Read and create online meetings Allows the app to read and create online meetings as an application in your organization.
OrgContact.Read.All e1a88a34-94c4-4418-be12-c87b00e26bea Read organizational contacts Allows the app to read all organizational contacts without a signed-in user. These contacts are managed by the organization and are different from a user’s personal contacts.
Organization.Read.All 498476ce-e0fe-48b0-b801-37ba7e2685c6 Read organization information Allows the app to read the organization and related resources, without a signed-in user. Related resources include things like subscribed skus and tenant branding information.
Organization.ReadWrite.All 292d869f-3427-49a8-9dab-8c70152b74e9 Read and write organization information Allows the app to read and write the organization and related resources, without a signed-in user. Related resources include things like subscribed skus and tenant branding information.
People.Read.All b528084d-ad10-4598-8b93-929746b4d7d6 Read all users’ relevant people lists Allows the app to read any user’s scored list of relevant people, without a signed-in user. The list can include local contacts, contacts from social networking, your organization’s directory, and people from recent communications (such as email and Skype).
Place.Read.All 913b9306-0ce1-42b8-9137-6a7df690a760 Read all company places Allows the app to read company places (conference rooms and room lists) for calendar events and other applications, without a signed-in user.
Policy.Read.All 246dd0d5-5bd0-4def-940b-0421030a5b68 Read your organization’s policies Allows the app to read all your organization’s policies without a signed in user.
Policy.Read.ConditionalAccess 37730810-e9ba-4e46-b07e-8ca78d182097 Read your organization’s conditional access policies Allows the app to read your organization’s conditional access policies, without a signed-in user.
Policy.Read.PermissionGrant 9e640839-a198-48fb-8b9a-013fd6f6cbcd Read consent and permission grant policies Allows the app to read policies related to consent and permission grants for applications, without a signed-in user.
Policy.ReadWrite.ApplicationConfiguration be74164b-cff1-491c-8741-e671cb536e13 Read and write your organization’s application configuration policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s application configuration policies, without a signed-in user. This includes policies such as activityBasedTimeoutPolicy, claimsMappingPolicy, homeRealmDiscoveryPolicy, tokenIssuancePolicy and tokenLifetimePolicy.
Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationFlows 25f85f3c-f66c-4205-8cd5-de92dd7f0cec Read and write authentication flow policies Allows the app to read and write all authentication flow policies for the tenant, without a signed-in user.
Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationMethod 29c18626-4985-4dcd-85c0-193eef327366 Read and write all authentication method policies  Allows the app to read and write all authentication method policies for the tenant, without a signed-in user. 
Policy.ReadWrite.Authorization fb221be6-99f2-473f-bd32-01c6a0e9ca3b Read and write your organization’s authorization policy Allows the app to read and write your organization’s authorization policy without a signed in user. For example, authorization policies can control some of the permissions that the out-of-the-box user role has by default.
Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess 01c0a623-fc9b-48e9-b794-0756f8e8f067 Read and write your organization’s conditional access policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s conditional access policies, without a signed-in user.
Policy.ReadWrite.ConsentRequest 999f8c63-0a38-4f1b-91fd-ed1947bdd1a9 Read and write your organization’s consent request policy Allows the app to read and write your organization’s consent requests policy without a signed-in user.
Policy.ReadWrite.FeatureRollout 2044e4f1-e56c-435b-925c-44cd8f6ba89a Read and write feature rollout policies Allows the app to read and write feature rollout policies without a signed-in user. Includes abilities to assign and remove users and groups to rollout of a specific feature.
Policy.ReadWrite.PermissionGrant a402ca1c-2696-4531-972d-6e5ee4aa11ea Manage consent and permission grant policies Allows the app to manage policies related to consent and permission grants for applications, without a signed-in user.
Policy.ReadWrite.TrustFramework 79a677f7-b79d-40d0-a36a-3e6f8688dd7a Read and write your organization’s trust framework policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s trust framework policies without a signed in user.
Presence.ReadWrite.All 83cded22-8297-4ff6-a7fa-e97e9545a259 Read and write presence information for all users Allows the app to read all presence information and write activity and availability of all users in the directory without a signed-in user. Presence information includes activity, availability, status note, calendar out-of-office message, time zone and location.
PrintJob.Manage.All 58a52f47-9e36-4b17-9ebe-ce4ef7f3e6c8 Perform advanced operations on print jobs Allows the application to perform advanced operations like redirecting a print job to another printer without a signed-in user. Also allows the application to read and update the metadata of print jobs.
PrintJob.Read.All ac6f956c-edea-44e4-bd06-64b1b4b9aec9 Read print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata and document content of print jobs without a signed-in user. 
PrintJob.ReadBasic.All fbf67eee-e074-4ef7-b965-ab5ce1c1f689 Read basic information for print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata of print jobs without a signed-in user. Does not allow access to print job document content.
PrintJob.ReadWrite.All 5114b07b-2898-4de7-a541-53b0004e2e13 Read and write print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata and document content of print jobs without a signed-in user.
PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All 57878358-37f4-4d3a-8c20-4816e0d457b1 Read and write basic information for print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata of print jobs without a signed-in user. Does not allow access to print job document content.
PrintSettings.Read.All b5991872-94cf-4652-9765-29535087c6d8 Read tenant-wide print settings Allows the application to read tenant-wide print settings without a signed-in user.
PrintTaskDefinition.ReadWrite.All 456b71a7-0ee0-4588-9842-c123fcc8f664 Read, write and update print task definitions Allows the application to read and update print task definitions without a signed-in user. 
Printer.Read.All 9709bb33-4549-49d4-8ed9-a8f65e45bb0f Read printers Allows the application to read printers without a signed-in user. 
Printer.ReadWrite.All f5b3f73d-6247-44df-a74c-866173fddab0 Read and update printers Allows the application to read and update printers without a signed-in user. Does not allow creating (registering) or deleting (unregistering) printers.
PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureAD 4cdc2547-9148-4295-8d11-be0db1391d6b Read privileged access to Azure AD roles Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD built-in and custom administrative roles in your organization, without a signed-in user.
PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureADGroup 01e37dc9-c035-40bd-b438-b2879c4870a6 Read privileged access to Azure AD groups Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD groups in your organization, without a signed-in user.
PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources 5df6fe86-1be0-44eb-b916-7bd443a71236 Read privileged access to Azure resources Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation of user privileges to audit Azure resources in your organization, without a signed-in user.
PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureAD 854d9ab1-6657-4ec8-be45-823027bcd009 Read and write privileged access to Azure AD roles Allows the app to request and manage time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD built-in and custom administrative roles in your organization, without a signed-in user.
PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureADGroup 2f6817f8-7b12-4f0f-bc18-eeaf60705a9e Read and write privileged access to Azure AD groups Allows the app to request and manage time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD groups in your organization, without a signed-in user.
PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureResources 6f9d5abc-2db6-400b-a267-7de22a40fb87 Read and write privileged access to Azure resources Allows the app to request and manage time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation of Azure resources (like your subscriptions, resource groups, storage, compute) in your organization, without a signed-in user.
ProgramControl.Read.All eedb7fdd-7539-4345-a38b-4839e4a84cbd Read all programs Allows the app to read programs and program controls in the organization, without a signed-in user.
ProgramControl.ReadWrite.All 60a901ed-09f7-4aa5-a16e-7dd3d6f9de36 Manage all programs Allows the app to read, update, delete and perform actions on programs and program controls in the organization, without a signed-in user.
Reports.Read.All 230c1aed-a721-4c5d-9cb4-a90514e508ef Read all usage reports Allows an app to read all service usage reports without a signed-in user. Services that provide usage reports include Office 365 and Azure Active Directory.
RoleManagement.Read.All c7fbd983-d9aa-4fa7-84b8-17382c103bc4 Read role management data for all RBAC providers Allows the app to read role-based access control (RBAC) settings for all RBAC providers without a signed-in user. This includes reading role definitions and role assignments.
RoleManagement.Read.Directory 483bed4a-2ad3-4361-a73b-c83ccdbdc53c Read all directory RBAC settings Allows the app to read the role-based access control (RBAC) settings for your company’s directory, without a signed-in user. This includes reading directory role templates, directory roles and memberships.
RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory 9e3f62cf-ca93-4989-b6ce-bf83c28f9fe8 Read and write all directory RBAC settings Allows the app to read and manage the role-based access control (RBAC) settings for your company’s directory, without a signed-in user. This includes instantiating directory roles and managing directory role membership, and reading directory role templates, directory roles and memberships.
Schedule.Read.All 7b2ebf90-d836-437f-b90d-7b62722c4456 Read all schedule items Allows the app to read all schedules, schedule groups, shifts and associated entities in the Teams or Shifts application without a signed-in user.
Schedule.ReadWrite.All b7760610-0545-4e8a-9ec3-cce9e63db01c Read and write all schedule items Allows the app to manage all schedules, schedule groups, shifts and associated entities in the Teams or Shifts application without a signed-in user.
SecurityActions.Read.All 5e0edab9-c148-49d0-b423-ac253e121825 Read your organization’s security actions Allows the app to read security actions, without a signed-in user.
SecurityActions.ReadWrite.All f2bf083f-0179-402a-bedb-b2784de8a49b Read and update your organization’s security actions Allows the app to read or update security actions, without a signed-in user.
SecurityEvents.Read.All bf394140-e372-4bf9-a898-299cfc7564e5 Read your organization’s security events Allows the app to read your organization’s security events without a signed-in user.
SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All d903a879-88e0-4c09-b0c9-82f6a1333f84 Read and update your organization’s security events Allows the app to read your organization’s security events without a signed-in user. Also allows the app to update editable properties in security events.
ServiceHealth.Read.All 79c261e0-fe76-4144-aad5-bdc68fbe4037 Read service health Allows the app to read your tenant’s service health information, without a signed-in user. Health information may include service issues or service health overviews.
ServiceMessage.Read.All 1b620472-6534-4fe6-9df2-4680e8aa28ec Read service messages Allows the app to read your tenant’s service announcement messages, without a signed-in user. Messages may include information about new or changed features.
ServicePrincipalEndpoint.Read.All 5256681e-b7f6-40c0-8447-2d9db68797a0 Read service principal endpoints Allows the app to read service principal endpoints
ServicePrincipalEndpoint.ReadWrite.All 89c8469c-83ad-45f7-8ff2-6e3d4285709e Read and update service principal endpoints Allows the app to update service principal endpoints
ShortNotes.Read.All 0c7d31ec-31ca-4f58-b6ec-9950b6b0de69 Read all users’ short notes Allows the app to read all the short notes without a signed-in user.
ShortNotes.ReadWrite.All 842c284c-763d-4a97-838d-79787d129bab Read, create, edit, and delete all users’ short notes Allows the app to read, create, edit, and delete all the short notes without a signed-in user.
Sites.FullControl.All a82116e5-55eb-4c41-a434-62fe8a61c773 Have full control of all site collections Allows the app to have full control of all site collections without a signed in user.
Sites.Manage.All 0c0bf378-bf22-4481-8f81-9e89a9b4960a Create, edit, and delete items and lists in all site collections Allows the app to create or delete document libraries and lists in all site collections without a signed in user.
Sites.Read.All 332a536c-c7ef-4017-ab91-336970924f0d Read items in all site collections Allows the app to read documents and list items in all site collections without a signed in user.
Sites.ReadWrite.All 9492366f-7969-46a4-8d15-ed1a20078fff Read and write items in all site collections Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete documents and list items in all site collections without a signed in user.
Sites.Selected 883ea226-0bf2-4a8f-9f9d-92c9162a727d Access selected site collections Allow the application to access a subset of site collections without a signed in user.  The specific site collections and the permissions granted will be configured in SharePoint Online.
Team.Create 23fc2474-f741-46ce-8465-674744c5c361 Create teams Allows the app to create teams without a signed-in user. 
Team.ReadBasic.All 2280dda6-0bfd-44ee-a2f4-cb867cfc4c1e Get a list of all teams Get a list of all teams, without a signed-in user.
TeamMember.Read.All 660b7406-55f1-41ca-a0ed-0b035e182f3e Read the members of all teams Read the members of all teams, without a signed-in user.
TeamMember.ReadWrite.All 0121dc95-1b9f-4aed-8bac-58c5ac466691 Add and remove members from all teams Add and remove members from all teams, without a signed-in user. Also allows changing a team member’s role, for example from owner to non-owner.
TeamMember.ReadWriteNonOwnerRole.All 4437522e-9a86-4a41-a7da-e380edd4a97d Add and remove members with non-owner role for all teams Add and remove members from all teams, without a signed-in user. Does not allow adding or removing a member with the owner role. Additionally, does not allow the app to elevate an existing member to the owner role.
TeamSettings.Read.All 242607bd-1d2c-432c-82eb-bdb27baa23ab Read all teams’ settings Read all team’s settings, without a signed-in user.
TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All bdd80a03-d9bc-451d-b7c4-ce7c63fe3c8f Read and change all teams’ settings Read and change all teams’ settings, without a signed-in user.
TeamsActivity.Read.All 70dec828-f620-4914-aa83-a29117306807 Read all users’ teamwork activity feed Allows the app to read all users’ teamwork activity feed, without a signed-in user.
TeamsActivity.Send a267235f-af13-44dc-8385-c1dc93023186 Send a teamwork activity to any user Allows the app to create new notifications in users’ teamwork activity feeds without a signed in user. These notifications may not be discoverable or be held or governed by compliance policies.
TeamsApp.Read.All afdb422a-4b2a-4e07-a708-8ceed48196bf Read all users’ installed Teams apps Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed for any user, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsApp.ReadWrite.All eb6b3d76-ed75-4be6-ac36-158d04c0a555 Manage all users’ Teams apps Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps for any user, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read or write application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForChat.All cc7e7635-2586-41d6-adaa-a8d3bcad5ee5 Read installed Teams apps for all chats Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed in any chat, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForTeam.All 1f615aea-6bf9-4b05-84bd-46388e138537 Read installed Teams apps for all teams Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed in any team, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForUser.All 9ce09611-f4f7-4abd-a629-a05450422a97 Read installed Teams apps for all users Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed for any user, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForChat.All 9e19bae1-2623-4c4f-ab6e-2664615ff9a0 Manage Teams apps for all chats Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps in any chat, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam.All 5dad17ba-f6cc-4954-a5a2-a0dcc95154f0 Manage Teams apps for all teams Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps in any team, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser.All 74ef0291-ca83-4d02-8c7e-d2391e6a444f Manage Teams apps for all users Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps for any user, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForChat.All 73a45059-f39c-4baf-9182-4954ac0e55cf Allow the Teams app to manage itself for all chats Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself for any chat, without a signed-in user.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForTeam.All 9f67436c-5415-4e7f-8ac1-3014a7132630 Allow the Teams app to manage itself for all teams Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself in any team, without a signed-in user.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForUser.All 908de74d-f8b2-4d6b-a9ed-2a17b3b78179 Allow the app to manage itself for all users Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself to any user, without a signed-in user.
TeamsTab.Create 49981c42-fd7b-4530-be03-e77b21aed25e Create tabs in Microsoft Teams. Allows the app to create tabs in any team in Microsoft Teams, without a signed-in user. This does not grant the ability to read, modify or delete tabs after they are created, or give access to the content inside the tabs.
TeamsTab.Read.All 46890524-499a-4bb2-ad64-1476b4f3e1cf Read tabs in Microsoft Teams. Read the names and settings of tabs inside any team in Microsoft Teams, without a signed-in user. This does not give access to the content inside the tabs.
TeamsTab.ReadWrite.All a96d855f-016b-47d7-b51c-1218a98d791c Read and write tabs in Microsoft Teams. Read and write tabs in any team in Microsoft Teams, without a signed-in user. This does not give access to the content inside the tabs.
TeamsTab.ReadWriteForChat.All fd9ce730-a250-40dc-bd44-8dc8d20f39ea Allow the Teams app to manage all tabs for all chats Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs for any chat, without a signed-in user.
TeamsTab.ReadWriteForTeam.All 6163d4f4-fbf8-43da-a7b4-060fe85ed148 Allow the Teams app to manage all tabs for all teams Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs in any team, without a signed-in user.
TeamsTab.ReadWriteForUser.All 425b4b59-d5af-45c8-832f-bb0b7402348a Allow the app to manage all tabs for all users Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs for any user, without a signed-in user.
Teamwork.Migrate.All dfb0dd15-61de-45b2-be36-d6a69fba3c79 Create chat and channel messages with anyone’s identity and with any timestamp Allows the app to create chat and channel messages, without a signed in user. The app specifies which user appears as the sender, and can backdate the message to appear as if it was sent long ago. The messages can be sent to any chat or channel in the organization.
TeamworkTag.Read.All b74fd6c4-4bde-488e-9695-eeb100e4907f Read tags in Teams Allows the app to read tags in Teams without a signed-in user.
TeamworkTag.ReadWrite.All a3371ca5-911d-46d6-901c-42c8c7a937d8 Read and write tags in Teams Allows the app to read and write tags in Teams without a signed-in user.
TermStore.Read.All ea047cc2-df29-4f3e-83a3-205de61501ca Read all term store data Allows the app to read all term store data, without a signed-in user. This includes all sets, groups and terms in the term store.
TermStore.ReadWrite.All f12eb8d6-28e3-46e6-b2c0-b7e4dc69fc95 Read and write all term store data Allows the app to read, edit or write all term store data, without a signed-in user. This includes all sets, groups and terms in the term store.
ThreatAssessment.Read.All f8f035bb-2cce-47fb-8bf5-7baf3ecbee48 Read threat assessment requests Allows an app to read your organization’s threat assessment requests, without a signed-in user.
ThreatIndicators.Read.All 197ee4e9-b993-4066-898f-d6aecc55125b Read all threat indicators Allows the app to read all the indicators for your organization, without a signed-in user.
ThreatIndicators.ReadWrite.OwnedBy 21792b6c-c986-4ffc-85de-df9da54b52fa Manage threat indicators this app creates or owns Allows the app to create threat indicators, and fully manage those threat indicators (read, update and delete), without a signed-in user.  It cannot update any threat indicators it does not own.
TrustFrameworkKeySet.Read.All fff194f1-7dce-4428-8301-1badb5518201 Read trust framework key sets Allows the app to read trust framework key set properties without a signed-in user.
TrustFrameworkKeySet.ReadWrite.All 4a771c9a-1cf2-4609-b88e-3d3e02d539cd Read and write trust framework key sets Allows the app to read and write trust framework key set properties without a signed-in user.
User.Export.All 405a51b5-8d8d-430b-9842-8be4b0e9f324 Export user’s data Allows the app to export data (e.g. customer content or system-generated logs), associated with any user in your company, when the app is used by a privileged user (e.g. a Company Administrator).
User.Invite.All 09850681-111b-4a89-9bed-3f2cae46d706 Invite guest users to the organization Allows the app to invite guest users to the organization, without a signed-in user.
User.ManageIdentities.All c529cfca-c91b-489c-af2b-d92990b66ce6 Manage all users’ identities Allows the app to read, update and delete identities that are associated with a user’s account, without a signed in user. This controls the identities users can sign-in with.
User.Read.All df021288-bdef-4463-88db-98f22de89214 Read all users’ full profiles Allows the app to read user profiles without a signed in user.
User.ReadWrite.All 741f803b-c850-494e-b5df-cde7c675a1ca Read and write all users’ full profiles Allows the app to read and update user profiles without a signed in user.
UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All 38d9df27-64da-44fd-b7c5-a6fbac20248f Read all users’ authentication methods Allows the app to read authentication methods of all users in your organization, without a signed-in user. Authentication methods include things like a user’s phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use the authentication methods.
UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All 50483e42-d915-4231-9639-7fdb7fd190e5 Read and write all users’ authentication methods Allows the application to read and write authentication methods of all users in your organization, without a signed-in user. Authentication methods include things like a user’s phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use the authentication methods
UserNotification.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp 4e774092-a092-48d1-90bd-baad67c7eb47 Deliver and manage all user’s notifications Allows the app to send, read, update and delete user’s notifications, without a signed-in user.
UserShiftPreferences.Read.All de023814-96df-4f53-9376-1e2891ef5a18 Read all user shift preferences Allows the app to read all users’ shift schedule preferences without a signed-in user.
UserShiftPreferences.ReadWrite.All d1eec298-80f3-49b0-9efb-d90e224798ac Read and write all user shift preferences Allows the app to manage all users’ shift schedule preferences without a signed-in user.
WindowsUpdates.ReadWrite.All 7dd1be58-6e76-4401-bf8d-31d1e8180d5b Read and write all Windows update deployment settings Allows the app to read and write all Windows update deployment settings for the organization without a signed-in user.
WorkforceIntegration.ReadWrite.All 202bf709-e8e6-478e-bcfd-5d63c50b68e3 Read and write workforce integrations Allows the app to manage workforce integrations to synchronize data from Microsoft Teams Shifts, without a signed-in user.

Scope permissions

Scope Name ID Admin Display Name Admin Description User Display Name User Description
APIConnectors.Read.All 1b6ff35f-31df-4332-8571-d31ea5a4893f Read API connectors for authentication flows Allows the app to read the API connectors used in user authentication flows, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read API connectors for authentication flows Allows the app to read the API connectors used in user authentication flows, on your behalf.
APIConnectors.ReadWrite.All c67b52c5-7c69-48b6-9d48-7b3af3ded914 Read and write API connectors for authentication flows Allows the app to read, create and manage the API connectors used in user authentication flows, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write API connectors for authentication flows Allows the app to read, create and manage the API connectors used in user authentication flows, on your behalf.
AccessReview.Read.All ebfcd32b-babb-40f4-a14b-42706e83bd28 Read all access reviews that user can access Allows the app to read access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings that the signed-in user has access to in the organization. Read access reviews that you can access Allows the app to read information on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings that you have access to.
AccessReview.ReadWrite.All e4aa47b9-9a69-4109-82ed-36ec70d85ff1 Manage all access reviews that user can access Allows the app to read, update, delete and perform actions on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings that the signed-in user has access to in the organization. Manage access reviews that you can access Allows the app to read, update and perform action on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings that you have access to.
AccessReview.ReadWrite.Membership 5af8c3f5-baca-439a-97b0-ea58a435e269 Manage access reviews for group and app memberships Allows the app to read, update, delete and perform actions on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings for group and app memberships that the signed-in user has access to in the organization. Manage access reviews for group and app memberships Allows the app to read, update and perform action on access reviews, reviewers, decisions and settings that you have access to.
AdministrativeUnit.Read.All 3361d15d-be43-4de6-b441-3c746d05163d Read administrative units Allows the app to read administrative units and administrative unit membership on behalf of the signed-in user. Read administrative units Allows the app to read administrative units and administrative unit membership on your behalf.
AdministrativeUnit.ReadWrite.All 7b8a2d34-6b3f-4542-a343-54651608ad81 Read and write administrative units Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete administrative units and manage administrative unit membership on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write administrative units Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete administrative units and manage administrative unit membership on your behalf.
Agreement.Read.All af2819c9-df71-4dd3-ade7-4d7c9dc653b7 Read all terms of use agreements Allows the app to read terms of use agreements on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all terms of use agreements Allows the app to read terms of use agreements on your behalf.
Agreement.ReadWrite.All ef4b5d93-3104-4664-9053-a5c49ab44218 Read and write all terms of use agreements Allows the app to read and write terms of use agreements on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write all terms of use agreements Allows the app to read and write terms of use agreements on your behalf.
AgreementAcceptance.Read 0b7643bb-5336-476f-80b5-18fbfbc91806 Read user terms of use acceptance statuses Allows the app to read terms of use acceptance statuses on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your terms of use acceptance statuses Allows the app to read your terms of use acceptance statuses.
AgreementAcceptance.Read.All a66a5341-e66e-4897-9d52-c2df58c2bfb9 Read terms of use acceptance statuses that user can access Allows the app to read terms of use acceptance statuses on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all terms of use acceptance statuses Allows the app to read terms of use acceptance statuses on your behalf.
Analytics.Read e03cf23f-8056-446a-8994-7d93dfc8b50e Read user activity statistics Allows the app to read the signed-in user’s activity statistics, such as how much time the user has spent on emails, in meetings, or in chat sessions. Read your activity statistics Allows the app to read your activity statistics, such as how much time you’ve spent on emails, in meetings, or in chat sessions.
AppCatalog.Read.All 88e58d74-d3df-44f3-ad47-e89edf4472e4 Read all app catalogs Allows the app to read the apps in the app catalogs. Read all app catalogs Allows the app to read apps in the app catalogs.
AppCatalog.ReadWrite.All 1ca167d5-1655-44a1-8adf-1414072e1ef9 Read and write to all app catalogs Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete apps in the app catalogs. Read and write to all app catalogs Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete apps in the app catalogs.
AppCatalog.Submit 3db89e36-7fa6-4012-b281-85f3d9d9fd2e Submit application packages to the catalog and cancel pending submissions Allows the app to submit application packages to the catalog and cancel submissions that are pending review on behalf of the signed-in user. Submit application packages to your organization’s catalog and cancel pending submissions Allows the app to submit application packages to the catalog and cancel submissions that are pending review on your behalf.
AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All 84bccea3-f856-4a8a-967b-dbe0a3d53a64 Manage app permission grants and app role assignments Allows the app to manage permission grants for application permissions to any API (including Microsoft Graph) and application assignments for any app, on behalf of the signed-in user. Manage app permission grants and app role assignments Allows the app to manage permission grants for application permissions to any API (including Microsoft Graph) and application assignments for any app, on your behalf.
Application.Read.All c79f8feb-a9db-4090-85f9-90d820caa0eb Read applications Allows the app to read applications and service principals on behalf of the signed-in user. Read applications Allows the app to read applications and service principals on your behalf.
Application.ReadWrite.All bdfbf15f-ee85-4955-8675-146e8e5296b5 Read and write all applications Allows the app to create, read, update and delete applications and service principals on behalf of the signed-in user. Does not allow management of consent grants. Read and write applications Allows the app to create, read, update and delete applications and service principals on your behalf. Does not allow management of consent grants.
Approval.Read.All 1196552e-b226-4363-b01e-b8901fe10a11 Read approvals Allows the app to read approvals on behalf of the signed-in user. Read approvals Allows the app to read approvals on your behalf.
Approval.ReadWrite.All 1d3d0bc7-4b3a-427a-ae9f-6de4e1edc95f Read and write approvals Allows the app to read and write approvals on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write approvals Allows the app to read and write approvals on your behalf.
ApprovalRequest.Read.AdminConsentRequest fad55eff-94e6-4517-9859-439301f0bad2 Read admin consent approval requests Allows the app to read admin consent requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on behalf of the signed-in user. Read admin consent approval requests Allows the app to read admin consent requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on your behalf.
ApprovalRequest.Read.CustomerLockbox 8123bef2-defe-4f3a-8d33-02baa9e6fcfc Read customer lockbox approval requests Allows the app to read customer lockbox requests, business flows and governance policy templates on behalf of the signed-in user. Read customer lockbox approval requests Allows the app to read customer lockbox requests, business flows and governance policy templates on your behalf.
ApprovalRequest.Read.EntitlementManagement 95b85e04-9c5c-4554-a3ad-2e933c8a81cd Read entitlement management approval requests Allows the app to read entitlement management requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on behalf of the signed-in user. Read entitlement management approval requests Allows the app to read entitlement management requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on your behalf.
ApprovalRequest.Read.PriviligedAccess 31df746c-3cfa-4b19-b243-36a6fb2b6a66 Read privileged access approval requests Allows the app to read privileged access requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on behalf of the signed-in user. Read privileged access approval requests Allows the app to read privileged access requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on your behalf.
ApprovalRequest.ReadWrite.AdminConsentRequest 0c940179-817f-401c-9a44-277f3fc38e2b Read and write admin consent approval requests Allows the app to read and write admin consent requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write admin consent approval requests Allows the app to read and write admin consent requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on your behalf.
ApprovalRequest.ReadWrite.CustomerLockbox 115b3477-4404-4685-a45d-4cf6a6092533 Read and write customer lockbox approval requests Allows the app to read and write admin consent requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write customer lockbox approval requests Allows the app to read and write customer lockbox requests, business flows and governance policy templates on your behalf.
ApprovalRequest.ReadWrite.EntitlementManagement 15dc7bc3-a26c-40b1-8b58-b2a764eb06c1 Read and write entitlement management approval requests Allows the app to read and write entitlement management requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write entitlement management approval requests Allows the app to read and write entitlement management requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on your behalf.
ApprovalRequest.ReadWrite.PriviligedAccess 51e5d7dc-745e-4986-aa03-63d64036a7a5 Read and write privileged access approval requests Allows the app to read and write privileged access requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write privileged access approval requests Allows the app to read and write privileged access requests, business flows, and governance policy templates on your behalf.
AuditLog.Read.All e4c9e354-4dc5-45b8-9e7c-e1393b0b1a20 Read audit log data Allows the app to read and query your audit log activities, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read audit log data Allows the app to read and query your audit log activities, on your behalf.
BitlockerKey.Read.All b27a61ec-b99c-4d6a-b126-c4375d08ae30 Read BitLocker keys Allows the app to read BitLocker keys on behalf of the signed-in user, for their owned devices. Allows read of the recovery key. Read your BitLocker keys Allows the app to read BitLocker keys for your owned devices. Allows read of the recovery key.
BitlockerKey.ReadBasic.All 5a107bfc-4f00-4e1a-b67e-66451267bc68 Read BitLocker keys basic information Allows the app to read basic BitLocker key properties on behalf of the signed-in user, for their owned devices. Does not allow read of the recovery key itself. Read your BitLocker keys basic information Allows the app to read basic BitLocker key properties for your owned devices. Does not allow read of the recovery key itself.
Bookings.Manage.All 7f36b48e-542f-4d3b-9bcb-8406f0ab9fdb Manage bookings information Allows an app to read, write and manage bookings appointments, businesses, customers, services, and staff on behalf of the signed-in user. Manage bookings information Allows an app to read, write and manage bookings appointments, businesses, customers, services, and staff on your behalf.
Bookings.Read.All 33b1df99-4b29-4548-9339-7a7b83eaeebc Read bookings information Allows an app to read bookings appointments, businesses, customers, services, and staff on behalf of the signed-in user. Read bookings information Allows an app to read bookings appointments, businesses, customers, services, and staff on your behalf.
Bookings.ReadWrite.All 948eb538-f19d-4ec5-9ccc-f059e1ea4c72 Read and write bookings information Allows an app to read and write bookings appointments, businesses, customers, services, and staff on behalf of the signed-in user. Does not allow create, delete and publish of booking businesses. Read and write bookings information Allows an app to read and write Bookings appointments, businesses, customers, services, and staff on your behalf. Does not allow create, delete and publish of booking businesses.
BookingsAppointment.ReadWrite.All 02a5a114-36a6-46ff-a102-954d89d9ab02 Read and write booking appointments Allows an app to read and write bookings appointments and customers, and additionally allows read businesses information, services, and staff on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write booking appointments Allows an app to read and write bookings appointments and customers, and additionally allows read businesses information, services, and staff on your behalf.
Calendars.Read 465a38f9-76ea-45b9-9f34-9e8b0d4b0b42 Read user calendars Allows the app to read events in user calendars . Read your calendars Allows the app to read events in your calendars.
Calendars.Read.Shared 2b9c4092-424d-4249-948d-b43879977640 Read user and shared calendars Allows the app to read events in all calendars that the user can access, including delegate and shared calendars. Read calendars you can access Allows the app to read events in all calendars that you can access, including delegate and shared calendars. 
Calendars.ReadWrite 1ec239c2-d7c9-4623-a91a-a9775856bb36 Have full access to user calendars Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete events in user calendars. Have full access to your calendars Allows the app to read, update, create and delete events in your calendars.
Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared 12466101-c9b8-439a-8589-dd09ee67e8e9 Read and write user and shared calendars Allows the app to create, read, update and delete events in all calendars in the organization user has permissions to access. This includes delegate and shared calendars. Read and write to your and shared calendars Allows the app to read, update, create and delete events in all calendars in your organization you have permissions to access. This includes delegate and shared calendars.
Channel.Create 101147cf-4178-4455-9d58-02b5c164e759 Create channels Create channels in any team, on behalf of the signed-in user. Create channels Create channels in any team, on your behalf.
Channel.Delete.All cc83893a-e232-4723-b5af-bd0b01bcfe65 Delete channels Delete channels in any team, on behalf of the signed-in user. Delete channels Delete channels in any team, on your behalf.
Channel.ReadBasic.All 9d8982ae-4365-4f57-95e9-d6032a4c0b87 Read the names and descriptions of channels Read channel names and channel descriptions, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read the names and descriptions of channels Read channel names and channel descriptions, on your behalf.
ChannelMember.Read.All 2eadaff8-0bce-4198-a6b9-2cfc35a30075 Read the members of channels Read the members of channels, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read the members of teams and channels Read the members of channels, on your behalf.
ChannelMember.ReadWrite.All 0c3e411a-ce45-4cd1-8f30-f99a3efa7b11 Add and remove members from channels Add and remove members from channels, on behalf of the signed-in user. Also allows changing a member’s role, for example from owner to non-owner. Add and remove members from teams and channels Add and remove members from channels, on your behalf. Also allows changing a member’s role, for example from owner to non-owner.
ChannelMessage.Delete 32ea53ac-4a89-4cde-bac4-727c6fb9ac29 Delete user’s channel messages Allows an app to delete channel messages in Microsoft Teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Delete your channel messages Allows the app to delete channel messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
ChannelMessage.Edit 2b61aa8a-6d36-4b2f-ac7b-f29867937c53 Edit user’s channel messages Allows an app to edit channel messages in Microsoft Teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Edit your channel messages Allows the app to edit channel messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
ChannelMessage.Read.All 767156cb-16ae-4d10-8f8b-41b657c8c8c8 Read user channel messages Allows an app to read a channel’s messages in Microsoft Teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your channel messages Allows the app to read a channel’s messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
ChannelMessage.Send ebf0f66e-9fb1-49e4-a278-222f76911cf4 Send channel messages Allows an app to send channel messages in Microsoft Teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Send channel messages Allows the app to send channel messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
ChannelSettings.Read.All 233e0cf1-dd62-48bc-b65b-b38fe87fcf8e Read the names, descriptions, and settings of channels Read all channel names, channel descriptions, and channel settings, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read the names, descriptions, and settings of channels Read all channel names, channel descriptions, and channel settings, on your behalf.
ChannelSettings.ReadWrite.All d649fb7c-72b4-4eec-b2b4-b15acf79e378 Read and write the names, descriptions, and settings of channels Read and write the names, descriptions, and settings of all channels, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write the names, descriptions, and settings of channels Read and write the names, descriptions, and settings of all channels, on your behalf.
Chat.Create 38826093-1258-4dea-98f0-00003be2b8d0 Create chats Allows the app to create chats on behalf of the signed-in user. Create chats Allows the app to create chats on your behalf. 
Chat.Read f501c180-9344-439a-bca0-6cbf209fd270 Read user chat messages Allows an app to read 1 on 1 or group chats threads, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your chat messages Allows an app to read your 1 on 1 or group chat messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
Chat.ReadBasic 9547fcb5-d03f-419d-9948-5928bbf71b0f Read names and members of user chat threads Allows an app to read the members and descriptions of one-to-one and group chat threads, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read names and members of your chat threads Allows an app to read the members and descriptions of one-to-one and group chat threads, on your behalf.
Chat.ReadWrite 9ff7295e-131b-4d94-90e1-69fde507ac11 Read and write user chat messages Allows an app to read and write 1 on 1 or group chats threads, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write your chat messages Allows an app to read and write your 1 on 1 or group chat messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
ChatMember.Read c5a9e2b1-faf6-41d4-8875-d381aa549b24 Read the members of chats Read the members of chats, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read the members of chats Read the members of chats, on your behalf.
ChatMember.ReadWrite dea13482-7ea6-488f-8b98-eb5bbecf033d Add and remove members from chats Add and remove members from chats, on behalf of the signed-in user. Add and remove members from chats Add and remove members from chats, on your behalf.
ChatMessage.Read cdcdac3a-fd45-410d-83ef-554db620e5c7 Read user chat messages Allows an app to read one-to-one and group chat messages, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read user chat messages Allows an app to read one-to-one or group chat messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
ChatMessage.Send 116b7235-7cc6-461e-b163-8e55691d839e Send user chat messages Allows an app to send one-to-one and group chat messages in Microsoft Teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Send chat messages Allows an app to send one-to-one and group chat messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
CloudPC.Read.All 5252ec4e-fd40-4d92-8c68-89dd1d3c6110 Read Cloud PCs Allows the app to read the properties of Cloud PCs on behalf of the signed-in user. Read Cloud PCs Allows the app to read the properties of Cloud PCs, on your behalf.
CloudPC.ReadWrite.All 9d77138f-f0e2-47ba-ab33-cd246c8b79d1 Read and write Cloud PCs Allows the app to read and write the properties of Cloud PCs on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write Cloud PCs Allows the app to read and write the properties of Cloud PCs, on your behalf.
ConsentRequest.Read.All f3bfad56-966e-4590-a536-82ecf548ac1e Read consent requests Allows the app to read consent requests and approvals on behalf of the signed-in user. Read consent requests Allows the app to read consent requests and approvals, on your behalf.
ConsentRequest.ReadWrite.All 497d9dfa-3bd1-481a-baab-90895e54568c Read and write consent requests Allows the app to read app consent requests and approvals, and deny or approve those requests on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write consent requests Allows the app to read app consent requests for your approval, and deny or approve those request on your behalf.
Contacts.Read ff74d97f-43af-4b68-9f2a-b77ee6968c5d Read user contacts Allows the app to read user contacts. Read your contacts Allows the app to read contacts in your contact folders.
Contacts.Read.Shared 242b9d9e-ed24-4d09-9a52-f43769beb9d4 Read user and shared contacts Allows the app to read contacts a user has permissions to access, including their own and shared contacts. Read your and shared contacts Allows the app to read contacts you have permissions to access, including your own and shared contacts.
Contacts.ReadWrite d56682ec-c09e-4743-aaf4-1a3aac4caa21 Have full access to user contacts Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete user contacts. Have full access of your contacts Allows the app to read, update, create and delete contacts in your contact folders.
Contacts.ReadWrite.Shared afb6c84b-06be-49af-80bb-8f3f77004eab Read and write user and shared contacts Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete contacts a user has permissions to, including their own and shared contacts. Read and write to your and shared contacts Allows the app to read, update, create, and delete contacts you have permissions to access, including your own and shared contacts.
CustomSecAttributeAssignment.ReadWrite.All ca46335e-8453-47cd-a001-8459884efeae Read and write custom security attribute assignments Allows the app to read and write custom security attribute assignments for all principals in the tenant on behalf of a signed in user. Read and write custom security attribute assignments Allows the app to read and write custom security attribute assignments for all principals in the tenant on your behalf.
CustomSecAttributeDefinition.ReadWrite.All 8b0160d4-5743-482b-bb27-efc0a485ca4a Read and write custom security attribute definitions Allows the app to read and write custom security attribute definitions for the tenant on behalf of a signed in user. Read and write custom security attribute definitions Allows the app to read and write custom security attribute definitions for the tenant on your behalf.
DelegatedPermissionGrant.ReadWrite.All 41ce6ca6-6826-4807-84f1-1c82854f7ee5 Manage all delegated permission grants Allows the app to manage permission grants for delegated permissions exposed by any API (including Microsoft Graph), on behalf of the signed in user. Manage all delegated permission grants Allows the app to manage permission grants for delegated permissions exposed by any API (including Microsoft Graph), on your behalf.
Device.Command bac3b9c2-b516-4ef4-bd3b-c2ef73d8d804 Communicate with user devices Allows the app to launch another app or communicate with another app on a user’s device on behalf of the signed-in user. Communicate with your other devices Allows the app to launch another app or communicate with another app on a device that you own.
Device.Read 11d4cd79-5ba5-460f-803f-e22c8ab85ccd Read user devices Allows the app to read a user’s list of devices on behalf of the signed-in user. View your list of devices Allows the app to see your list of devices.
Device.Read.All 951183d1-1a61-466f-a6d1-1fde911bfd95 Read all devices Allows the app to read your organization’s devices’ configuration information on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all devices Allows the app to read devices’ configuration information on your behalf.
DeviceManagementApps.Read.All 4edf5f54-4666-44af-9de9-0144fb4b6e8c Read Microsoft Intune apps Allows the app to read the properties, group assignments and status of apps, app configurations and app protection policies managed by Microsoft Intune. Read Microsoft Intune apps Allows the app to read the properties, group assignments and status of apps, app configurations and app protection policies managed by Microsoft Intune.
DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All 7b3f05d5-f68c-4b8d-8c59-a2ecd12f24af Read and write Microsoft Intune apps Allows the app to read and write the properties, group assignments and status of apps, app configurations and app protection policies managed by Microsoft Intune. Read and write Microsoft Intune apps Allows the app to read and write the properties, group assignments and status of apps, app configurations and app protection policies managed by Microsoft Intune.
DeviceManagementConfiguration.Read.All f1493658-876a-4c87-8fa7-edb559b3476a Read Microsoft Intune Device Configuration and Policies Allows the app to read properties of Microsoft Intune-managed device configuration and device compliance policies and their assignment to groups. Read Microsoft Intune Device Configuration and Policies Allows the app to read properties of Microsoft Intune-managed device configuration and device compliance policies and their assignment to groups.
DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All 0883f392-0a7a-443d-8c76-16a6d39c7b63 Read and write Microsoft Intune Device Configuration and Policies Allows the app to read and write properties of Microsoft Intune-managed device configuration and device compliance policies and their assignment to groups. Read and write Microsoft Intune Device Configuration and Policies Allows the app to read and write properties of Microsoft Intune-managed device configuration and device compliance policies and their assignment to groups.
DeviceManagementManagedDevices.PrivilegedOperations.All 3404d2bf-2b13-457e-a330-c24615765193 Perform user-impacting remote actions on Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to perform remote high impact actions such as wiping the device or resetting the passcode on devices managed by Microsoft Intune. Perform user-impacting remote actions on Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to perform remote high impact actions such as wiping the device or resetting the passcode on devices managed by Microsoft Intune.
DeviceManagementManagedDevices.Read.All 314874da-47d6-4978-88dc-cf0d37f0bb82 Read Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to read the properties of devices managed by Microsoft Intune. Read devices Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to read the properties of devices managed by Microsoft Intune.
DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All 44642bfe-8385-4adc-8fc6-fe3cb2c375c3 Read and write Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to read and write the properties of devices managed by Microsoft Intune. Does not allow high impact operations such as remote wipe and password reset on the device’s owner. Read and write Microsoft Intune devices Allows the app to read and write the properties of devices managed by Microsoft Intune. Does not allow high impact operations such as remote wipe and password reset on the device’s owner.
DeviceManagementRBAC.Read.All 49f0cc30-024c-4dfd-ab3e-82e137ee5431 Read Microsoft Intune RBAC settings Allows the app to read the properties relating to the Microsoft Intune Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) settings. Read Microsoft Intune RBAC settings Allows the app to read the properties relating to the Microsoft Intune Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) settings.
DeviceManagementRBAC.ReadWrite.All 0c5e8a55-87a6-4556-93ab-adc52c4d862d Read and write Microsoft Intune RBAC settings Allows the app to read and write the properties relating to the Microsoft Intune Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) settings. Read and write Microsoft Intune RBAC settings Allows the app to read and write the properties relating to the Microsoft Intune Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) settings.
DeviceManagementServiceConfig.Read.All 8696daa5-bce5-4b2e-83f9-51b6defc4e1e Read Microsoft Intune configuration Allows the app to read Microsoft Intune service properties including device enrollment and third party service connection configuration. Read Microsoft Intune configuration Allows the app to read Microsoft Intune service properties including device enrollment and third party service connection configuration.
DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All 662ed50a-ac44-4eef-ad86-62eed9be2a29 Read and write Microsoft Intune configuration Allows the app to read and write Microsoft Intune service properties including device enrollment and third party service connection configuration. Read and write Microsoft Intune configuration Allows the app to read and write Microsoft Intune service properties including device enrollment and third party service connection configuration.
Directory.AccessAsUser.All 0e263e50-5827-48a4-b97c-d940288653c7 Access directory as the signed in user Allows the app to have the same access to information in the directory as the signed-in user. Access the directory as you Allows the app to have the same access to information in your work or school directory as you do.
Directory.Read.All 06da0dbc-49e2-44d2-8312-53f166ab848a Read directory data Allows the app to read data in your organization’s directory, such as users, groups and apps. Read directory data Allows the app to read data in your organization’s directory.
Directory.ReadWrite.All c5366453-9fb0-48a5-a156-24f0c49a4b84 Read and write directory data Allows the app to read and write data in your organization’s directory, such as users, and groups. It does not allow the app to delete users or groups, or reset user passwords. Read and write directory data Allows the app to read and write data in your organization’s directory, such as other users, groups. It does not allow the app to delete users or groups, or reset user passwords.
Domain.Read.All 2f9ee017-59c1-4f1d-9472-bd5529a7b311 Read domains. Allows the app to read all domain properties on behalf of the signed-in user. Read domains. Allows the app to read all domain properties on your behalf.
Domain.ReadWrite.All 0b5d694c-a244-4bde-86e6-eb5cd07730fe Read and write domains Allows the app to read and write all domain properties on behalf of the signed-in user. Also allows the app to add, verify and remove domains. Read and write domains Allows the app to read and write all domain properties on your behalf. Also allows the app to add, verify and remove domains.
EAS.AccessAsUser.All ff91d191-45a0-43fd-b837-bd682c4a0b0f Access mailboxes via Exchange ActiveSync Allows the app to have the same access to mailboxes as the signed-in user via Exchange ActiveSync. Access your mailboxes Allows the app full access to your mailboxes on your behalf.
EWS.AccessAsUser.All 9769c687-087d-48ac-9cb3-c37dde652038 Access mailboxes as the signed-in user via Exchange Web Services Allows the app to have the same access to mailboxes as the signed-in user via Exchange Web Services. Access your mailboxes Allows the app full access to your mailboxes on your behalf.
EduAdministration.Read 8523895c-6081-45bf-8a5d-f062a2f12c9f Read education app settings Read the state and settings of all Microsoft education apps on behalf of the user. View your education app settings Allows the app to view the state and settings of all Microsoft education apps on your behalf.
EduAdministration.ReadWrite 63589852-04e3-46b4-bae9-15d5b1050748 Manage education app settings Manage the state and settings of all Microsoft education apps on behalf of the user. Manage your education app settings Allows the app to manage the state and settings of all Microsoft education apps on your behalf.
EduAssignments.Read 091460c9-9c4a-49b2-81ef-1f3d852acce2 Read users’ class assignments and their grades Allows the app to read assignments and their grades on behalf of the user. View your assignments and grades Allows the app to view your assignments on your behalf including grades.
EduAssignments.ReadBasic c0b0103b-c053-4b2e-9973-9f3a544ec9b8 Read users’ class assignments without grades Allows the app to read assignments without grades on behalf of the user. View your assignments without grades Allows the app to view your assignments on your behalf without seeing grades.
EduAssignments.ReadWrite 2f233e90-164b-4501-8bce-31af2559a2d3 Read and write users’ class assignments and their grades Allows the app to read and write assignments and their grades on behalf of the user. View and modify your assignments and grades Allows the app to view and modify your assignments on your behalf including  grades.
EduAssignments.ReadWriteBasic 2ef770a1-622a-47c4-93ee-28d6adbed3a0 Read and write users’ class assignments without grades Allows the app to read and write assignments without grades on behalf of the user. View and modify your assignments without grades Allows the app to view and modify your assignments on your behalf without seeing grades.
EduRoster.Read a4389601-22d9-4096-ac18-36a927199112 Read users’ view of the roster Allows the app to read the structure of schools and classes in an organization’s roster and education-specific information about users to be read on behalf of the user. View your school, class and user information Allows the app to view information about schools and classes in your organization and education-related information about you and other users on your behalf.
EduRoster.ReadBasic 5d186531-d1bf-4f07-8cea-7c42119e1bd9 Read a limited subset of users’ view of the roster Allows the app to read a limited subset of the properties from the structure of schools and classes in an organization’s roster and a limited subset of properties about users to be read on behalf of the user. Includes name, status, education role, email address and photo. View a limited subset of your school, class and user information Allows the app to view minimal  information about both schools and classes in your organization and education-related information about you and other users on your behalf.
EduRoster.ReadWrite 359e19a6-e3fa-4d7f-bcab-d28ec592b51e Read and write users’ view of the roster Allows the app to read and write the structure of schools and classes in an organization’s roster and education-specific information about users to be read and written on behalf of the user. View and modify your school, class and user information Allows the app to view and modify information about schools and classes in your organization and education-related information about you and other users on your behalf.
EntitlementManagement.Read.All 5449aa12-1393-4ea2-a7c7-d0e06c1a56b2 Read all entitlement management resources Allows the app to read access packages and related entitlement management resources on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all entitlement management resources Allows the app to read access packages and related entitlement management resources that you have access to.
EntitlementManagement.ReadWrite.All ae7a573d-81d7-432b-ad44-4ed5c9d89038 Read and write entitlement management resources Allows the app to request access to and management of access packages and related entitlement management resources on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write entitlement management resources Allows the app to request access to and management of access packages and related entitlement management resources that you have access to.
ExternalItem.Read.All 922f9392-b1b7-483c-a4be-0089be7704fb Read items in external datasets Allow the app to read external datasets and content, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read items in external datasets Allows the app to read external datasets and content that you have access to.
Family.Read 3a1e4806-a744-4c70-80fc-223bf8582c46 Read your family info Allows the app to read your family information, members and their basic profile. Read your family info Allows the app to read your family information, members and their basic profile.
Files.Read 10465720-29dd-4523-a11a-6a75c743c9d9 Read user files Allows the app to read the signed-in user’s files. Read your files Allows the app to read your files.
Files.Read.All df85f4d6-205c-4ac5-a5ea-6bf408dba283 Read all files that user can access Allows the app to read all files the signed-in user can access. Read all files that you have access to Allows the app to read all files you can access.
Files.Read.Selected 5447fe39-cb82-4c1a-b977-520e67e724eb Read files that the user selects (preview) (Preview) Allows the app to read files that the user selects. The app has access for several hours after the user selects a file. Read selected files (Preview) Allows the app to read files that you select. After you select a file, the app has access to the file for several hours.
Files.ReadWrite 5c28f0bf-8a70-41f1-8ab2-9032436ddb65 Have full access to user files Allows the app to read, create, update and delete the signed-in user’s files. Have full access to your files Allows the app to read, create, update, and delete your files.
Files.ReadWrite.All 863451e7-0667-486c-a5d6-d135439485f0 Have full access to all files user can access Allows the app to read, create, update and delete all files the signed-in user can access. Have full access to all files you have access to Allows the app to read, create, update and delete all files that you can access.
Files.ReadWrite.AppFolder 8019c312-3263-48e6-825e-2b833497195b Have full access to the application’s folder (preview) (Preview) Allows the app to read, create, update and delete files in the application’s folder. Have full access to the application’s folder (Preview) Allows the app to read, create, update and delete files in the application’s folder.
Files.ReadWrite.Selected 17dde5bd-8c17-420f-a486-969730c1b827 Read and write files that the user selects (preview) (Preview) Allows the app to read and write files that the user selects. The app has access for several hours after the user selects a file. Read and write selected files (Preview) Allows the app to read and write files that you select. After you select a file, the app has access to the file for several hours.
Financials.ReadWrite.All f534bf13-55d4-45a9-8f3c-c92fe64d6131 Read and write financials data Allows the app to read and write financials data on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write financials data Allows the app to read and write financials data on your behalf.
Group.Read.All 5f8c59db-677d-491f-a6b8-5f174b11ec1d Read all groups Allows the app to list groups, and to read their properties and all group memberships on behalf of the signed-in user. Also allows the app to read calendar, conversations, files, and other group content for all groups the signed-in user can access. Read all groups Allows the app to list groups, and to read their properties and all group memberships on your behalf. Also allows the app to read calendar, conversations, files, and other group content for all groups you can access.
Group.ReadWrite.All 4e46008b-f24c-477d-8fff-7bb4ec7aafe0 Read and write all groups Allows the app to create groups and read all group properties and memberships on behalf of the signed-in user. Additionally allows group owners to manage their groups and allows group members to update group content. Read and write all groups Allows the app to create groups and read all group properties and memberships on your behalf. Additionally allows the app to manage your groups and to update group content for groups you are a member of.
GroupMember.Read.All bc024368-1153-4739-b217-4326f2e966d0 Read group memberships Allows the app to list groups, read basic group properties and read membership of all groups the signed-in user has access to. Read group memberships Allows the app to list groups, read basic group properties and read membership of all your groups.
GroupMember.ReadWrite.All f81125ac-d3b7-4573-a3b2-7099cc39df9e Read and write group memberships Allows the app to list groups, read basic properties, read and update the membership of the groups the signed-in user has access to. Group properties and owners cannot be updated and groups cannot be deleted. Read and write group memberships Allows the app to list groups, read basic properties, read and update the membership of your groups. Group properties and owners cannot be updated and groups cannot be deleted.
IMAP.AccessAsUser.All 652390e4-393a-48de-9484-05f9b1212954 Read and write access to mailboxes via IMAP. Allows the app to have the same access to mailboxes as the signed-in user via IMAP protocol. Read and write access to your mail. Allows the app to read, update, create and delete email in your mailbox. Does not include permission to send mail.
IdentityProvider.Read.All 43781733-b5a7-4d1b-98f4-e8edff23e1a9 Read identity providers Allows the app to read your organization’s identity (authentication) providers’ properties on behalf of the user. Read identity providers Allows the app to read your organization’s identity (authentication) providers’ properties on your behalf.
IdentityProvider.ReadWrite.All f13ce604-1677-429f-90bd-8a10b9f01325 Read and write identity providers Allows the app to read and write your organization’s identity (authentication) providers’ properties on behalf of the user. Read and write identity providers Allows the app to read and write your organization’s identity (authentication) providers’ properties on your behalf.
IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All 8f6a01e7-0391-4ee5-aa22-a3af122cef27 Read identity risk event information Allows the app to read identity risk event information for all users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user. Read identity risk event information Allows the app to read identity risk event information for all users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user.
IdentityRiskEvent.ReadWrite.All 9e4862a5-b68f-479e-848a-4e07e25c9916 Read and write risk event information Allows the app to read and update identity risk event information for all users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user. Update operations include confirming risk event detections.  Read and write risk event information Allows the app to read and update identity risk event information for all users in your organization on your behalf. Update operations include confirming risk event detections. 
IdentityRiskyUser.Read.All d04bb851-cb7c-4146-97c7-ca3e71baf56c Read identity risky user information Allows the app to read identity risky user information for all users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user. Read identity risky user information Allows the app to read identity risky user information for all users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user.
IdentityRiskyUser.ReadWrite.All e0a7cdbb-08b0-4697-8264-0069786e9674 Read and write risky user information Allows the app to read and update identity risky user information for all users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user. Update operations include dismissing risky users. Read and write identity risky user information Allows the app to read and update identity risky user information for all users in your organization on your behalf. Update operations include dismissing risky users.
IdentityUserFlow.Read.All 2903d63d-4611-4d43-99ce-a33f3f52e343 Read all identity user flows Allows the app to read your organization’s user flows, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all identity user flows Allows the app to read your organization’s user flows, on your behalf.
IdentityUserFlow.ReadWrite.All 281892cc-4dbf-4e3a-b6cc-b21029bb4e82 Read and write all identity user flows Allows the app to read or write your organization’s user flows, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write all identity user flows Allows the app to read or write your organization’s user flows, on your behalf.
InformationProtectionPolicy.Read 4ad84827-5578-4e18-ad7a-86530b12f884 Read user sensitivity labels and label policies. Allows an app to read information protection sensitivity labels and label policy settings, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read user sensitivity labels and label policies. Allows an app to read information protection sensitivity labels and label policy settings, on behalf of the signed-in user.
Mail.Read 570282fd-fa5c-430d-a7fd-fc8dc98a9dca Read user mail Allows the app to read the signed-in user’s mailbox. Read your mail Allows the app to read email in your mailbox.
Mail.Read.Shared 7b9103a5-4610-446b-9670-80643382c1fa Read user and shared mail Allows the app to read mail a user can access, including their own and shared mail. Read mail you can access Allows the app to read mail you can access, including shared mail.
Mail.ReadBasic a4b8392a-d8d1-4954-a029-8e668a39a170 Read user basic mail Allows the app to read email in the signed-in user’s mailbox except body, previewBody, attachments and any extended properties. Read user basic mail Allows the app to read email in the signed-in user’s mailbox except body, previewBody, attachments and any extended properties.
Mail.ReadWrite 024d486e-b451-40bb-833d-3e66d98c5c73 Read and write access to user mail Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete email in user mailboxes. Does not include permission to send mail. Read and write access to your mail Allows the app to read, update, create and delete email in your mailbox. Does not include permission to send mail.
Mail.ReadWrite.Shared 5df07973-7d5d-46ed-9847-1271055cbd51 Read and write user and shared mail Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete mail a user has permission to access, including their own and shared mail. Does not include permission to send mail. Read and write mail you can access Allows the app to read, update, create, and delete mail you have permission to access, including your own and shared mail. Does not allow the app to send mail on your behalf.
Mail.Send e383f46e-2787-4529-855e-0e479a3ffac0 Send mail as a user Allows the app to send mail as users in the organization. Send mail as you Allows the app to send mail as you.
Mail.Send.Shared a367ab51-6b49-43bf-a716-a1fb06d2a174 Send mail on behalf of others Allows the app to send mail as the signed-in user, including sending on-behalf of others. Send mail on behalf of others or yourself Allows the app to send mail as you or on-behalf of someone else.
MailboxSettings.Read 87f447af-9fa4-4c32-9dfa-4a57a73d18ce Read user mailbox settings Allows the app to the read user’s mailbox settings. Does not include permission to send mail. Read your mailbox settings Allows the app to read your mailbox settings.
MailboxSettings.ReadWrite 818c620a-27a9-40bd-a6a5-d96f7d610b4b Read and write user mailbox settings Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete user’s mailbox settings. Does not include permission to send mail. Read and write to your mailbox settings Allows the app to read, update, create, and delete your mailbox settings.
Member.Read.Hidden f6a3db3e-f7e8-4ed2-a414-557c8c9830be Read hidden memberships Allows the app to read the memberships of hidden groups and administrative units on behalf of the signed-in user, for those hidden groups and administrative units that the signed-in user has access to. Read your hidden memberships Allows the app to read the memberships of hidden groups or administrative units on your behalf, for those hidden groups or adminstrative units that you have access to.
Notes.Create 9d822255-d64d-4b7a-afdb-833b9a97ed02 Create user OneNote notebooks Allows the app to read the titles of OneNote notebooks and sections and to create new pages, notebooks, and sections on behalf of the signed-in user. Create your OneNote notebooks Allows the app to view the titles of your OneNote notebooks and sections and to create new pages, notebooks, and sections on your behalf.
Notes.Read 371361e4-b9e2-4a3f-8315-2a301a3b0a3d Read user OneNote notebooks Allows the app to read OneNote notebooks on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your OneNote notebooks Allows the app to read OneNote notebooks on your behalf.
Notes.Read.All dfabfca6-ee36-4db2-8208-7a28381419b3 Read all OneNote notebooks that user can access Allows the app to read OneNote notebooks that the signed-in user has access to in the organization. Read all OneNote notebooks that you can access Allows the app to read all the OneNote notebooks that you have access to.
Notes.ReadWrite 615e26af-c38a-4150-ae3e-c3b0d4cb1d6a Read and write user OneNote notebooks Allows the app to read, share, and modify OneNote notebooks on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write your OneNote notebooks Allows the app to read, share, and modify OneNote notebooks on your behalf.
Notes.ReadWrite.All 64ac0503-b4fa-45d9-b544-71a463f05da0 Read and write all OneNote notebooks that user can access Allows the app to read, share, and modify OneNote notebooks that the signed-in user has access to in the organization. Read and write all OneNote notebooks that you can access Allows the app to read, share, and modify all the OneNote notebooks that you have access to.
Notes.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp ed68249d-017c-4df5-9113-e684c7f8760b Limited notebook access (deprecated) This is deprecated! Do not use! This permission no longer has any effect. You can safely consent to it. No additional privileges will be granted to the app. Limited access to your OneNote notebooks for this app (preview) This permission no longer has any effect. You can safely consent to it. No additional privileges will be granted to the app.
Notifications.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp 89497502-6e42-46a2-8cb2-427fd3df970a Deliver and manage user notifications for this app Allows the app to deliver its notifications on behalf of signed-in users. Also allows the app to read, update, and delete the user’s notification items for this app. Deliver and manage your notifications for this app Allows the app to deliver its notifications, on your behalf. Also allows the app to read, update, and delete your notification items for this app.
OnPremisesPublishingProfiles.ReadWrite.All 8c4d5184-71c2-4bf8-bb9d-bc3378c9ad42 Manage on-premises published resources Allows the app to manage hybrid identity service configuration by creating, viewing, updating and deleting on-premises published resources, on-premises agents and agent groups, on behalf of the signed-in user. Manage on-premises published resources Allows the app to manage hybrid identity service configuration by creating, viewing, updating and deleting on-premises published resources, on-premises agents and agent groups, on your behalf.
OnlineMeetings.Read 9be106e1-f4e3-4df5-bdff-e4bc531cbe43 Read user’s online meetings Allows the app to read online meeting details on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your online meetings Allows the app to read online meeting details on your behalf.
OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite a65f2972-a4f8-4f5e-afd7-69ccb046d5dc Read and create user’s online meetings Allows the app to read and create online meetings on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and create your online meetings Allows the app to read and create online meetings on your behalf.
OrgContact.Read.All 08432d1b-5911-483c-86df-7980af5cdee0 Read organizational contacts Allows the app to read all organizational contacts on behalf of the signed-in user.  These contacts are managed by the organization and are different from a user’s personal contacts. Read organizational contacts Allows the app to read all organizational contacts on your behalf.  These contacts are managed by the organization and are different from your personal contacts.
Organization.Read.All 4908d5b9-3fb2-4b1e-9336-1888b7937185 Read organization information Allows the app to read the organization and related resources, on behalf of the signed-in user. Related resources include things like subscribed skus and tenant branding information. Read organization information Allows the app to read the organization and related resources, on your behalf. Related resources include things like subscribed skus and tenant branding information.
Organization.ReadWrite.All 46ca0847-7e6b-426e-9775-ea810a948356 Read and write organization information Allows the app to read and write the organization and related resources, on behalf of the signed-in user. Related resources include things like subscribed skus and tenant branding information. Read and write organization information Allows the app to read and write the organization and related resources, on your behalf. Related resources include things like subscribed skus and tenant branding information.
POP.AccessAsUser.All d7b7f2d9-0f45-4ea1-9d42-e50810c06991 Read and write access to mailboxes via POP. Allows the app to have the same access to mailboxes as the signed-in user via POP protocol. Read and write access to your mail. Allows the app to read, update, create and delete email in your mailbox. Does not include permission to send mail.
People.Read ba47897c-39ec-4d83-8086-ee8256fa737d Read users’ relevant people lists Allows the app to read a ranked list of relevant people of the signed-in user. The list includes local contacts, contacts from social networking, your organization’s directory, and people from recent communications (such as email and Skype). Read your relevant people list Allows the app to read a list of people in the order that’s most relevant to you. This includes your local contacts, your contacts from social networking, people listed in your organization’s directory, and people from recent communications.
People.Read.All b89f9189-71a5-4e70-b041-9887f0bc7e4a Read all users’ relevant people lists Allows the app to read a scored list of relevant people of the signed-in user or other users in the signed-in user’s organization. The list can include local contacts, contacts from social networking, your organization’s directory, and people from recent communications (such as email and Skype). Read all users’ relevant people lists Allows the app to read a list of people in the order that is most relevant to you. Allows the app to read a list of people in the order that is most relevant to another user in your organization. These can include local contacts, contacts from social networking, people listed in your organization’s directory, and people from recent communications.
Place.Read 40f6bacc-b201-40da-90a5-09775cc4a863 Read user places Allows the app to read the signed-in user’s personal places. Read your places Allows the app to read your personal places.
Place.Read.All cb8f45a0-5c2e-4ea1-b803-84b870a7d7ec Read all company places Allows the app to read your company’s places (conference rooms and room lists) for calendar events and other applications, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all company places Allows the app to read your company’s places (conference rooms and room lists) for calendar events and other applications, on your behalf.
Place.Read.Shared 0b3f56bc-fecd-4036-8930-660fc672e342 Read user places for delegates Allows the app to read other users’ personal places that the signed-in user has delegate access to. Also allows read of the signed-in user’s personal places. Read user delegate places Allows the app to read your personal places and other users’ personal places that you have delegate access to.
Place.ReadWrite 012ba4a5-ca82-4a76-95ba-6c27f44364c3 Read and write user places Allows the app to create, read, and update the signed-in user’s personal places. Read and write your places Allows the app to create, read, and update personal places on your behalf.
Place.ReadWrite.All 4c06a06a-098a-4063-868e-5dfee3827264 Read and write organization places Allows the app to manage organization places (conference rooms and room lists) for calendar events and other applications, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write organization places Allows the app to manage organization places (conference rooms and room lists) for calendar events and other applications, on your behalf.
Policy.Read.All 572fea84-0151-49b2-9301-11cb16974376 Read your organization’s policies Allows the app to read your organization’s policies on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your organization’s policies Allows the app to read your organization’s policies on your behalf.
Policy.Read.ConditionalAccess 633e0fce-8c58-4cfb-9495-12bbd5a24f7c Read your organization’s conditional access policies Allows the app to read your organization’s conditional access policies on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your organization’s conditional access policies Allows the app to read your organization’s conditional access policies on your behalf.
Policy.Read.PermissionGrant 414de6ea-2d92-462f-b120-6e2a809a6d01 Read consent and permission grant policies Allows the app to read policies related to consent and permission grants for applications, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read consent and permission grant policies Allows the app to read policies related to consent and permission grants for applications, on your behalf.
Policy.ReadWrite.ApplicationConfiguration b27add92-efb2-4f16-84f5-8108ba77985c Read and write your organization’s application configuration policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s application configuration policies on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes policies such as activityBasedTimeoutPolicy, claimsMappingPolicy, homeRealmDiscoveryPolicy, tokenIssuancePolicy and tokenLifetimePolicy. Read and write your organization’s application configuration policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s application configuration policies on your behalf. This includes policies such as activityBasedTimeoutPolicy, claimsMappingPolicy, homeRealmDiscoveryPolicy, tokenIssuancePolicy and tokenLifetimePolicy.
Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationFlows edb72de9-4252-4d03-a925-451deef99db7 Read and write authentication flow policies Allows the app to read and write the authentication flow policies, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write your authentication flow policies Allows the app to read and write the authentication flow policies for your tenant, on your behalf.
Policy.ReadWrite.AuthenticationMethod 7e823077-d88e-468f-a337-e18f1f0e6c7c Read and write authentication method policies Allows the app to read and write the authentication method policies, on behalf of the signed-in user.  Read and write your authentication method policies Allows the app to read and write the authentication method policies for your tenant, on your behalf.
Policy.ReadWrite.Authorization edd3c878-b384-41fd-95ad-e7407dd775be Read and write your organization’s authorization policy Allows the app to read and write your organization’s authorization policy on behalf of the signed-in user. For example, authorization policies can control some of the permissions that the out-of-the-box user role has by default. Read and write your organization’s authorization policy Allows the app to read and write your organization’s authorization policy on your behalf. For example, authorization policies can control some of the permissions that the out-of-the-box user role has by default.
Policy.ReadWrite.ConditionalAccess ad902697-1014-4ef5-81ef-2b4301988e8c Read and write your organization’s conditional access policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s conditional access policies on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write your organization’s conditional access policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s conditional access policies on your behalf.
Policy.ReadWrite.ConsentRequest 4d135e65-66b8-41a8-9f8b-081452c91774 Read and write consent request policy Allows the app to read and write your organization’s consent requests policy on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write consent request policy Allows the app to read and write your organization’s consent request policy on your behalf.
Policy.ReadWrite.DeviceConfiguration 40b534c3-9552-4550-901b-23879c90bcf9 Read and write your organization’s device configuration policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s device configuration policies on behalf of the signed-in user. For example, device registration policy can limit initial provisioning controls using quota restrictions, additional authentication and authorization checks. Read and write your organization’s device configuration policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s device configuration policies on your behalf. For example, device registration policy can limit initial provisioning controls using quota restrictions, additional authentication and authorization checks.
Policy.ReadWrite.FeatureRollout 92a38652-f13b-4875-bc77-6e1dbb63e1b2 Read and write your organization’s feature rollout policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s feature rollout policies on behalf of the signed-in user. Includes abilities to assign and remove users and groups to rollout of a specific feature. Read and write your organization’s feature rollout policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s feature rollout policies on your behalf. Includes abilities to assign and remove users and groups to rollout of a specific feature.
Policy.ReadWrite.MobilityManagement a8ead177-1889-4546-9387-f25e658e2a79 Read and write your organization’s mobility management policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s mobility management policies on behalf of the signed-in user. For example, a mobility management policy can set the enrollment scope for a given mobility management application. Read and write your organization’s mobility management policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s mobility management policies on your behalf. For example, a mobility management policy can set the enrollment scope for a given mobility management application.
Policy.ReadWrite.PermissionGrant 2672f8bb-fd5e-42e0-85e1-ec764dd2614e Manage consent and permission grant policies Allows the app to manage policies related to consent and permission grants for applications, on behalf of the signed-in user. Manage consent and permission grant policies Allows the app to manage policies related to consent and permission grants for applications, on behalf of the signed-in user.
Policy.ReadWrite.TrustFramework cefba324-1a70-4a6e-9c1d-fd670b7ae392 Read and write your organization’s trust framework policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s trust framework policies on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write trust framework policies Allows the app to read and write your organization’s trust framework policies on your behalf.
Presence.Read 76bc735e-aecd-4a1d-8b4c-2b915deabb79 Read user’s presence information Allows the app to read presence information on behalf of the signed-in user. Presence information includes activity, availability, status note, calendar out-of-office message, timezone and location. Read your presence information Allows the app to read your presence information on your behalf. Presence information includes activity, availability, status note, calendar out-of-office message, timezone and location.
Presence.Read.All 9c7a330d-35b3-4aa1-963d-cb2b9f927841 Read presence information of all users in your organization Allows the app to read presence information of all users in the directory on behalf of the signed-in user. Presence information includes activity, availability, status note, calendar out-of-office message, timezone and location. Read presence information of all users in your organization Allows the app to read presence information of all users in the directory on your behalf. Presence information includes activity, availability, status note, calendar out-of-office message, timezone and location.
PrintConnector.Read.All d69c2d6d-4f72-4f99-a6b9-663e32f8cf68 Read print connectors Allows the application to read print connectors on behalf of the signed-in user. Read print connectors Allows the application to read print connectors on your behalf.
PrintConnector.ReadWrite.All 79ef9967-7d59-4213-9c64-4b10687637d8 Read and write print connectors Allows the application to read and write print connectors on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write print connectors Allows the application to read and write print connectors on your behalf.
PrintJob.Create 21f0d9c0-9f13-48b3-94e0-b6b231c7d320 Create print jobs Allows the application to create print jobs on behalf of the signed-in user and upload document content to print jobs that the signed-in user created. Create your print jobs Allows the application to create print jobs on your behalf and upload document content to print jobs that you created.
PrintJob.Read 248f5528-65c0-4c88-8326-876c7236df5e Read user’s print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata and document content of print jobs that the signed-in user created. Read your print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata and document content of print jobs that you created.
PrintJob.Read.All afdd6933-a0d8-40f7-bd1a-b5d778e8624b Read print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata and document content of print jobs on behalf of the signed-in user.  Read print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata and document content of print jobs on your behalf. 
PrintJob.ReadBasic 6a71a747-280f-4670-9ca0-a9cbf882b274 Read basic information of user’s print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata of print jobs that the signed-in user created. Does not allow access to print job document content. Read basic information of your print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata of print jobs that you created. Does not allow access to print job document content.
PrintJob.ReadBasic.All 04ce8d60-72ce-4867-85cf-6d82f36922f3 Read basic information of print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata of print jobs on behalf of the signed-in user. Does not allow access to print job document content. Read basic information of print jobs Allows the application to read the metadata of print jobs on your behalf. Does not allow access to print job document content.
PrintJob.ReadWrite b81dd597-8abb-4b3f-a07a-820b0316ed04 Read and write user’s print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata and document content of print jobs that the signed-in user created. Read and update your print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata and document content of print jobs that you created.
PrintJob.ReadWrite.All 036b9544-e8c5-46ef-900a-0646cc42b271 Read and write print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata and document content of print jobs on behalf of the signed-in user.  Read and update print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata and document content of print jobs on your behalf. 
PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic 6f2d22f2-1cb6-412c-a17c-3336817eaa82 Read and write basic information of user’s print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata of print jobs that the signed-in user created. Does not allow access to print job document content. Read and write basic information of your print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata of print jobs that you created. Does not allow access to print job document content.
PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All 3a0db2f6-0d2a-4c19-971b-49109b19ad3d Read and write basic information of print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata of print jobs on behalf of the signed-in user. Does not allow access to print job document content. Read and write basic information of print jobs Allows the application to read and update the metadata of print jobs on your behalf. Does not allow access to print job document content.
PrintSettings.Read.All 490f32fd-d90f-4dd7-a601-ff6cdc1a3f6c Read tenant-wide print settings Allows the application to read tenant-wide print settings on behalf of the signed-in user. Read tenant-wide print settings Allows the application to read tenant-wide print settings on your behalf.
PrintSettings.ReadWrite.All 9ccc526a-c51c-4e5c-a1fd-74726ef50b8f Read and write tenant-wide print settings Allows the application to read and write tenant-wide print settings on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write tenant-wide print settings Allows the application to read and write tenant-wide print settings on your behalf.
Printer.Create 90c30bed-6fd1-4279-bf39-714069619721 Register printers   Allows the application to create (register) printers on behalf of the signed-in user.  Register printers   Allows the application to create (register) printers on your behalf. 
Printer.FullControl.All 93dae4bd-43a1-4a23-9a1a-92957e1d9121 Register, read, update, and unregister printers Allows the application to create (register), read, update, and delete (unregister) printers on behalf of the signed-in user.  Register, read, update, and unregister printers Allows the application to create (register), read, update, and delete (unregister) printers on your behalf.  
Printer.Read.All 3a736c8a-018e-460a-b60c-863b2683e8bf Read printers Allows the application to read printers on behalf of the signed-in user.  Read printers Allows the application to read printers on your behalf. 
Printer.ReadWrite.All 89f66824-725f-4b8f-928e-e1c5258dc565 Read and update printers Allows the application to read and update printers on behalf of the signed-in user. Does not allow creating (registering) or deleting (unregistering) printers. Read and update printers Allows the application to read and update printers on your behalf. Does not allow creating (registering) or deleting (unregistering) printers.
PrinterShare.Read.All ed11134d-2f3f-440d-a2e1-411efada2502 Read printer shares Allows the application to read printer shares on behalf of the signed-in user.  Read printer shares Allows the application to read printer shares on your behalf. 
PrinterShare.ReadBasic.All 5fa075e9-b951-4165-947b-c63396ff0a37 Read basic information about printer shares Allows the application to read basic information about printer shares on behalf of the signed-in user. Does not allow reading access control information. Read basic information about printer shares Allows the application to read basic information about printer shares on your behalf.
PrinterShare.ReadWrite.All 06ceea37-85e2-40d7-bec3-91337a46038f Read and write printer shares Allows the application to read and update printer shares on behalf of the signed-in user.  Read and update printer shares Allows the application to read and update printer shares on your behalf. 
PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureAD b3a539c9-59cb-4ad5-825a-041ddbdc2bdb Read privileged access to Azure AD Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD built-in and custom administrative roles, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read privileged access to Azure AD Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD built-in and custom administrative roles, on your behalf.
PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureADGroup d329c81c-20ad-4772-abf9-3f6fdb7e5988 Read privileged access to Azure AD groups Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD groups, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read privileged access to Azure AD groups Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD groups, on your behalf.
PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources 1d89d70c-dcac-4248-b214-903c457af83a Read privileged access to Azure resources Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation of Azure resources (like your subscriptions, resource groups, storage, compute) on behalf of the signed-in user. Read privileged access to your Azure resources Allows the app to read time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation of Azure resources (like your subscriptions, resource groups, storage, compute) on your behalf.
PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureAD 3c3c74f5-cdaa-4a97-b7e0-4e788bfcfb37 Read and write privileged access to Azure AD Allows the app to request and manage just in time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of users to Azure AD built-in administrative roles, on behalf of signed-in users. Read and write privileged access to Azure AD Allows the app to request and manage just in time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of users to Azure AD built-in administrative roles, on your behalf.
PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureADGroup 32531c59-1f32-461f-b8df-6f8a3b89f73b Read and write privileged access to Azure AD groups Allows the app to request and manage time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD groups, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write privileged access to Azure AD groups Allows the app to request and manage time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation (including scheduled elevation) of Azure AD groups, on your behalf.
PrivilegedAccess.ReadWrite.AzureResources a84a9652-ffd3-496e-a991-22ba5529156a Read and write privileged access to Azure resources Allows the app to request and manage time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation of user privileges to manage Azure resources (like subscriptions, resource groups, storage, compute) on behalf of the signed-in users. Read and write privileged access to Azure resources Allows the app to request and manage time-based assignment and just-in-time elevation of user privileges to manage  your Azure resources (like your subscriptions, resource groups, storage, compute) on your behalf.
ProgramControl.Read.All c492a2e1-2f8f-4caa-b076-99bbf6e40fe4 Read all programs that user can access Allows the app to read programs and program controls that the signed-in user has access to in the organization. Read programs that you can access Allows the app to read information on programs and program controls that you have access to.
ProgramControl.ReadWrite.All 50fd364f-9d93-4ae1-b170-300e87cccf84 Manage all programs that user can access Allows the app to read, update, delete and perform actions on programs and program controls that the signed-in user has access to in the organization. Manage programs that you can access Allows the app to read, update and perform action on programs and program controls that you have access to.
Reports.Read.All 02e97553-ed7b-43d0-ab3c-f8bace0d040c Read all usage reports Allows an app to read all service usage reports on behalf of the signed-in user. Services that provide usage reports include Office 365 and Azure Active Directory. Read all usage reports Allows an app to read all service usage reports on your behalf. Services that provide usage reports include Office 365 and Azure Active Directory.
RoleAssignmentSchedule.Read.Directory 344a729c-0285-42c6-9014-f12b9b8d6129 Read all active role assignments for your company’s directory Allows the app to read the active role-based access control (RBAC) assignments for your company’s directory, on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes reading directory role templates, and directory roles. Read all active role assignments for your company’s directory Allows the app to read the active role-based access control (RBAC) assignments for your company’s directory, on your behalf. This includes reading directory role templates, and directory roles.
RoleAssignmentSchedule.ReadWrite.Directory 8c026be3-8e26-4774-9372-8d5d6f21daff Read, update, and delete all active role assignments for your company’s directory Allows the app to read and manage the active role-based access control (RBAC) assignments for your company’s directory, on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes managing active directory role membership, and reading directory role templates, directory roles and active memberships. Read, update, and delete all active role assignments for your company’s directory Allows the app to read and manage the active role-based access control (RBAC) assignments for your company’s directory, on your behalf. This includes managing active directory role membership, and reading directory role templates, directory roles and active memberships.
RoleEligibilitySchedule.Read.Directory eb0788c2-6d4e-4658-8c9e-c0fb8053f03d Read all eligible role assignments for your company’s directory Allows the app to read the eligible role-based access control (RBAC) assignments for your company’s directory, on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes reading directory role templates, and directory roles. Read all eligible role assignments for your company’s directory Allows the app to read the eligible role-based access control (RBAC) assignments for your company’s directory, on your behalf. This includes reading directory role templates, and directory roles.
RoleEligibilitySchedule.ReadWrite.Directory 62ade113-f8e0-4bf9-a6ba-5acb31db32fd Read, update, and delete all eligible role assignments for your company’s directory Allows the app to read and manage the eligible role-based access control (RBAC) assignments for your company’s directory, on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes managing eligible directory role membership, and reading directory role templates, directory roles and eligible memberships. Read, update, and delete all eligible role assignments for your company’s directory Allows the app to read and manage the eligible role-based access control (RBAC) assignments for your company’s directory, on your behalf. This includes managing eligible directory role membership, and reading directory role templates, directory roles and eligible memberships.
RoleManagement.Read.All 48fec646-b2ba-4019-8681-8eb31435aded Read role management data for all RBAC providers Allows the app to read the role-based access control (RBAC) settings for all RBAC providers, on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes reading role definitions and role assignments. Read role management data for all RBAC providers Allows the app to read the role-based access control (RBAC) settings for all RBAC providers, on your behalf. This includes reading role definitions and role assignments.
RoleManagement.Read.Directory 741c54c3-0c1e-44a1-818b-3f97ab4e8c83 Read directory RBAC settings Allows the app to read the role-based access control (RBAC) settings for your company’s directory, on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes reading directory role templates, directory roles and memberships. Read directory RBAC settings Allows the app to read the role-based access control (RBAC) settings for your company’s directory, on your behalf. This includes reading directory role templates, directory roles and memberships.
RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory d01b97e9-cbc0-49fe-810a-750afd5527a3 Read and write directory RBAC settings Allows the app to read and manage the role-based access control (RBAC) settings for your company’s directory, on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes instantiating directory roles and managing directory role membership, and reading directory role templates, directory roles and memberships. Read and write directory RBAC settings Allows the app to read and manage the role-based access control (RBAC) settings for your company’s directory, on your behalf. This includes instantiating directory roles and managing directory role membership, and reading directory role templates, directory roles and memberships.
RoleManagementPolicy.Read.Directory 3de2cdbe-0ff5-47d5-bdee-7f45b4749ead Read all policies for privileged role assignments of your company’s directory Allows the app to read policies for privileged role-based access control (RBAC) assignments of your company’s directory, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all policies for privileged role assignments of your company’s directory Allows the app to read policies for privileged role-based access control (RBAC) assignments of your company’s directory, on your behalf.
RoleManagementPolicy.ReadWrite.Directory 1ff1be21-34eb-448c-9ac9-ce1f506b2a68 Read, update, and delete all policies for privileged role assignments of your company’s directory Allows the app to read, update, and delete policies for privileged role-based access control (RBAC) assignments of your company’s directory, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read, update, and delete all policies for privileged role assignments of your company’s directory Allows the app to read, update, and delete policies for privileged role-based access control (RBAC) assignments of your company’s directory, on your behalf.
SMTP.Send 258f6531-6087-4cc4-bb90-092c5fb3ed3f Send emails from mailboxes using SMTP AUTH. Allows the app to be able to send emails from the user’s mailbox using the SMTP AUTH client submission protocol. Access to sending emails from your mailbox. Allows the app to send emails on your behalf from your mailbox.
Schedule.Read.All fccf6dd8-5706-49fa-811f-69e2e1b585d0 Read user schedule items Allows the app to read schedule, schedule groups, shifts and associated entities in the Teams or Shifts application on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your schedule items Allows the app to read schedule, schedule groups, shifts and associated entities in the Teams or Shifts application on your behalf.
Schedule.ReadWrite.All 63f27281-c9d9-4f29-94dd-6942f7f1feb0 Read and write user schedule items Allows the app to manage schedule, schedule groups, shifts and associated entities in the Teams or Shifts application on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write your schedule items Allows the app to manage schedule, schedule groups, shifts and associated entities in the Teams or Shifts application on your behalf.
SecurityActions.Read.All 1638cddf-07a4-4de2-8645-69c96cacad73 Read your organization’s security actions Allows the app to read security actions, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your organization’s security actions Allows the app to read security actions, on your behalf.
SecurityActions.ReadWrite.All dc38509c-b87d-4da0-bd92-6bec988bac4a Read and update your organization’s security actions Allows the app to read or update security actions, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and update your organization’s security actions Allows the app to read and update security actions, on your behalf.
SecurityEvents.Read.All 64733abd-851e-478a-bffb-e47a14b18235 Read your organization’s security events Allows the app to read your organization’s security events on behalf of the signed-in user. Read your organization’s security events Allows the app to read your organization’s security events on your behalf.
SecurityEvents.ReadWrite.All 6aedf524-7e1c-45a7-bd76-ded8cab8d0fc Read and update your organization’s security events Allows the app to read your organization’s security events on behalf of the signed-in user. Also allows the app to update editable properties in security events on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and update your organization’s security events Allows the app to read your organization’s security events on your behalf. Also allows you to update editable properties in security events.
ServiceHealth.Read.All 55896846-df78-47a7-aa94-8d3d4442ca7f Read service health Allows the app to read your tenant’s service health information on behalf of the signed-in user. Health information may include service issues or service health overviews. Read service health Allows the app to read your tenant’s service health information on your behalf.Health information may include service issues or service health overviews.
ServiceMessage.Read.All eda39fa6-f8cf-4c3c-a909-432c683e4c9b Read service announcement messages Allows the app to read your tenant’s service announcement messages on behalf of the signed-in user. Messages may include information about new or changed features. Read service messages Allows the app to read your tenant’s service announcement messages on your behalf. Messages may include information about new or changed features.
ServicePrincipalEndpoint.Read.All 9f9ce928-e038-4e3b-8faf-7b59049a8ddc Read service principal endpoints Allows the app to read service principal endpoints Read service principal endpoints Allows the app to read service principal endpoints
ServicePrincipalEndpoint.ReadWrite.All 7297d82c-9546-4aed-91df-3d4f0a9b3ff0 Read and update service principal endpoints Allows the app to update service principal endpoints Read and update service principal endpoints Allows the app to update service principal endpoints
ShortNotes.Read 50f66e47-eb56-45b7-aaa2-75057d9afe08 Read short notes of the signed-in user Allows the app to read all the short notes a sign-in user has access to. Read your short notes Allows the app to read your short notes.
ShortNotes.ReadWrite 328438b7-4c01-4c07-a840-e625a749bb89 Read, create, edit, and delete short notes of the signed-in user Allows the app to read, create, edit, and delete short notes of a signed-in user. Read, create, edit, and delete your short notes Allows the app to read, create, edit, and delete your short notes.
Sites.FullControl.All 5a54b8b3-347c-476d-8f8e-42d5c7424d29 Have full control of all site collections Allows the application to have full control of all site collections on behalf of the signed-in user. Have full control of all your site collections Allow the application to have full control of all site collections on your behalf.
Sites.Manage.All 65e50fdc-43b7-4915-933e-e8138f11f40a Create, edit, and delete items and lists in all site collections Allows the application to create or delete document libraries and lists in all site collections on behalf of the signed-in user. Create, edit, and delete items and lists in all your site collections Allow the application to create or delete document libraries and lists in all site collections on your behalf.
Sites.Read.All 205e70e5-aba6-4c52-a976-6d2d46c48043 Read items in all site collections Allows the application to read documents and list items in all site collections on behalf of the signed-in user Read items in all site collections Allow the application to read documents and list items in all site collections on your behalf
Sites.ReadWrite.All 89fe6a52-be36-487e-b7d8-d061c450a026 Edit or delete items in all site collections Allows the application to edit or delete documents and list items in all site collections on behalf of the signed-in user. Edit or delete items in all site collections Allow the application to edit or delete documents and list items in all site collections on your behalf.
Subscription.Read.All 5f88184c-80bb-4d52-9ff2-757288b2e9b7 Read all webhook subscriptions Allows the app to read all webhook subscriptions on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all webhook subscriptions Allows the app to read all webhook subscriptions on your behalf.
Tasks.Read f45671fb-e0fe-4b4b-be20-3d3ce43f1bcb Read user’s tasks and task lists Allows the app to read the signed-in user’s tasks and task lists, including any shared with the user. Doesn’t include permission to create, delete, or update anything. Read your tasks and task lists Allows the app to read your tasks and task lists, including any shared with you. Doesn’t include permission to create, delete, or update anything.
Tasks.Read.Shared 88d21fd4-8e5a-4c32-b5e2-4a1c95f34f72 Read user and shared tasks Allows the app to read tasks a user has permissions to access, including their own and shared tasks. Read your and shared tasks Allows the app to read tasks you have permissions to access, including your own and shared tasks.
Tasks.ReadWrite 2219042f-cab5-40cc-b0d2-16b1540b4c5f Create, read, update, and delete user’s tasks and task lists Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete the signed-in user’s tasks and task lists, including any shared with the user. Create, read, update, and delete your tasks and task lists Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete your tasks and task lists, including any shared with you.
Tasks.ReadWrite.Shared c5ddf11b-c114-4886-8558-8a4e557cd52b Read and write user and shared tasks Allows the app to create, read, update, and delete tasks a user has permissions to, including their own and shared tasks. Read and write to your and shared tasks Allows the app to read, update, create, and delete tasks you have permissions to access, including your own and shared tasks.
Team.Create 7825d5d6-6049-4ce7-bdf6-3b8d53f4bcd0 Create teams Allows the app to create teams on behalf of the signed-in user. Create teams Allows the app to create teams on your behalf. 
Team.ReadBasic.All 485be79e-c497-4b35-9400-0e3fa7f2a5d4 Read the names and descriptions of teams Read the names and descriptions of teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read the names and descriptions of teams Read the names and descriptions of teams, on your behalf.
TeamMember.Read.All 2497278c-d82d-46a2-b1ce-39d4cdde5570 Read the members of teams Read the members of teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read the members of teams Read the members of teams, on your behalf.
TeamMember.ReadWrite.All 4a06efd2-f825-4e34-813e-82a57b03d1ee Add and remove members from teams Add and remove members from teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Also allows changing a member’s role, for example from owner to non-owner. Add and remove members from teams and channels Add and remove members from teams, on your behalf. Also allows changing a member’s role, for example from owner to non-owner.
TeamMember.ReadWriteNonOwnerRole.All 2104a4db-3a2f-4ea0-9dba-143d457dc666 Add and remove members with non-owner role for all teams Add and remove members from all teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. Does not allow adding or removing a member with the owner role. Additionally, does not allow the app to elevate an existing member to the owner role. Add and remove members with non-owner role for all teams Add and remove members from all teams, on your behalf. Does not allow adding or removing a member with the owner role. Additionally, does not allow the app to elevate an existing member to the owner role.
TeamSettings.Read.All 48638b3c-ad68-4383-8ac4-e6880ee6ca57 Read teams’ settings Read all teams’ settings, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read teams’ settings Read all teams’ settings, on your behalf.
TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All 39d65650-9d3e-4223-80db-a335590d027e Read and change teams’ settings Read and change all teams’ settings, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and change teams’ settings Read and change all teams’ settings, on your behalf.
TeamsActivity.Read 0e755559-83fb-4b44-91d0-4cc721b9323e Read user’s teamwork activity feed Allows the app to read the signed-in user’s teamwork activity feed. Read your teamwork activity feed Allows the app to read your teamwork activity feed.
TeamsActivity.Send 7ab1d787-bae7-4d5d-8db6-37ea32df9186 Send a teamwork activity as the user Allows the app to create new notifications in users’ teamwork activity feeds on behalf of the signed in user. These notifications may not be discoverable or be held or governed by compliance policies. Send a teamwork activity Allows the app to create new activities in your teamwork activity feed, and send new activities to other users’ activity feed, on your behalf.
TeamsApp.Read daef10fc-047a-48b0-b1a5-da4b5e72fabc Read user’s installed Teams apps Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed for the signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings. Read your installed Teams apps Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed for you. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsApp.Read.All 9127ba42-f79f-43b1-be80-f23ecd42377e Read all installed Teams apps Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed for the signed-in user, and in all teams the user is a member of. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings. Read all installed Teams apps Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed for you, and in teams you are a member of. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsApp.ReadWrite 2a5addc2-4d9e-4d7d-8527-5215aec410f3 Manage user’s Teams apps Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps, on behalf of the signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read or write application-specific settings. Manage your Teams apps Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps, on your behalf. Does not give the ability to read or write application-specific settings.
TeamsApp.ReadWrite.All d3f0af02-b22d-4778-a433-14f7e3f2e1e2 Manage all Teams apps Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps, on behalf of the signed-in user and also for teams the user is a member of. Does not give the ability to read or write application-specific settings. Manage all Teams apps Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps, on your behalf. Does not give the ability to read or write application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForChat bf3fbf03-f35f-4e93-963e-47e4d874c37a Read installed Teams apps in chats Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed in chats the signed-in user can access. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings. Read installed Teams apps in chats Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed in chats that you can access. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForTeam 5248dcb1-f83b-4ec3-9f4d-a4428a961a72 Read installed Teams apps in teams Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed in teams the signed-in user can access. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings. Read installed Teams apps in teams Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed in teams that you can access. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForUser c395395c-ff9a-4dba-bc1f-8372ba9dca84 Read user’s installed Teams apps Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed for the signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings. Read your installed Teams apps Allows the app to read the Teams apps that are installed for you. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForChat aa85bf13-d771-4d5d-a9e6-bca04ce44edf Manage installed Teams apps in chats Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps in chats the signed-in user can access. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings. Manage installed Teams apps in chats Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps in chats you can access. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam 2e25a044-2580-450d-8859-42eeb6e996c0 Manage installed Teams apps in teams Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps in teams the signed-in user can access. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings. Manage installed Teams apps in teams Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps in teams you can access. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser 093f8818-d05f-49b8-95bc-9d2a73e9a43c Manage user’s installed Teams apps Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps installed for the signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings. Manage your installed Teams apps Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps installed for you. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForChat 0ce33576-30e8-43b7-99e5-62f8569a4002 Allow the Teams app to manage itself in chats Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself in chats the signed-in user can access. Allow the Teams app to manage itself in chats Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself in chats you can access.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForTeam 0f4595f7-64b1-4e13-81bc-11a249df07a9 Allow the app to manage itself in teams Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself to teams the signed-in user can access. Allow the app to manage itself in teams Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself to teams you can access.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForUser 207e0cb1-3ce7-4922-b991-5a760c346ebc Allow the Teams app to manage itself for a user Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself for the signed-in user. Allow the Teams app to manage itself for you Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall itself for you.
TeamsTab.Create a9ff19c2-f369-4a95-9a25-ba9d460efc8e Create tabs in Microsoft Teams. Allows the app to create tabs in any team in Microsoft Teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. This does not grant the ability to read, modify or delete tabs after they are created, or give access to the content inside the tabs. Create tabs in Microsoft Teams. Allows the app to create tabs in any team in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf. This does not grant the ability to read, modify or delete tabs after they are created, or give access to the content inside the tabs.
TeamsTab.Read.All 59dacb05-e88d-4c13-a684-59f1afc8cc98 Read tabs in Microsoft Teams. Read the names and settings of tabs inside any team in Microsoft Teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. This does not give access to the content inside the tabs. Read tabs in Microsoft Teams. Read the names and settings of tabs inside any team in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf. This does not give access to the content inside the tabs.
TeamsTab.ReadWrite.All b98bfd41-87c6-45cc-b104-e2de4f0dafb9 Read and write tabs in Microsoft Teams. Read and write tabs in any team in Microsoft Teams, on behalf of the signed-in user. This does not give access to the content inside the tabs. Read and write tabs in Microsoft Teams. Read and write tabs in any team in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf. This does not give access to the content inside the tabs.
TeamsTab.ReadWriteForChat ee928332-e9c2-4747-b4a0-f8c164b68de6 Allow the Teams app to manage all tabs in chats Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs in chats the signed-in user can access. Allow the Teams app to manage all tabs in chats Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs in chats you can access.
TeamsTab.ReadWriteForTeam c975dd04-a06e-4fbb-9704-62daad77bb49 Allow the Teams app to manage all tabs in teams Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs to teams the signed-in user can access. Allow the app to manage all tabs in teams Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs to teams you can access.
TeamsTab.ReadWriteForUser c37c9b61-7762-4bff-a156-afc0005847a0 Allow the Teams app to manage all tabs for a user Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs for the signed-in user. Allow the Teams app to manage all tabs for you Allows a Teams app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall all tabs for you.
TermStore.Read.All 297f747b-0005-475b-8fef-c890f5152b38 Read term store data Allows the app to read the term store data that the signed-in user has access to. This includes all sets, groups and terms in the term store. Read term store data Allows the app to read the term store data that you have access to. This includes all sets, groups and terms in the term store.
TermStore.ReadWrite.All 6c37c71d-f50f-4bff-8fd3-8a41da390140 Read and write term store data Allows the app to read or modify data that the signed-in user has access to. This includes all sets, groups and terms in the term store. Read and write term store data Allows the app to read or modify data that you have access to. This includes all sets, groups and terms in the term store.
ThreatAssessment.ReadWrite.All cac97e40-6730-457d-ad8d-4852fddab7ad Read and write threat assessment requests Allows an app to read your organization’s threat assessment requests on behalf of the signed-in user. Also allows the app to create new requests to assess threats received by your organization on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write threat assessment requests Allows an app to read your organization’s threat assessment requests on your behalf. Also allows the app to create new requests to assess threats received by your organization on your behalf.
ThreatIndicators.Read.All 9cc427b4-2004-41c5-aa22-757b755e9796 Read all threat indicators Allows the app to read all the indicators for your organization, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all threat indicators Allows the app to read all the indicators for your organization, on your behalf.
ThreatIndicators.ReadWrite.OwnedBy 91e7d36d-022a-490f-a748-f8e011357b42 Manage threat indicators this app creates or owns Allows the app to create threat indicators, and fully manage those threat indicators (read, update and delete), on behalf of the signed-in user.  It cannot update any threat indicators it does not own. Manage threat indicators this app creates or owns Allows the app to create threat indicators, and fully manage those threat indicators (read, update and delete), on your behalf.  It cannot update any threat indicators that it is not an owner of.
TrustFrameworkKeySet.Read.All 7ad34336-f5b1-44ce-8682-31d7dfcd9ab9 Read trust framework key sets Allows the app to read trust framework key set properties on behalf of the signed-in user. Read trust framework key sets Allows the app to read trust framework key sets, on your behalf.
TrustFrameworkKeySet.ReadWrite.All 39244520-1e7d-4b4a-aee0-57c65826e427 Read and write trust framework key sets Allows the app to read and write trust framework key set properties on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write trust framework key sets Allows the app to read or write trust framework key sets, on your behalf.
UnifiedGroupMember.Read.AsGuest 73e75199-7c3e-41bb-9357-167164dbb415 Read unified group memberships as guest Allows the app to read basic unified group properties, memberships and owners of the group the signed-in guest is a member of. Read unified group memberships as guest Allows the app to read basic unified group properties, memberships and owners of the group you are a member of.
User.Export.All 405a51b5-8d8d-430b-9842-8be4b0e9f324 Export user’s data Allows the app to export data (e.g. customer content or system-generated logs), associated with any user in your company, when the app is used by a privileged user (e.g. a Company Administrator). Export user’s data Allows the app to export data (e.g. customer content or system-generated logs), associated with any user in your company, when the app is used by a privileged user (e.g. a Company Administrator).
User.Invite.All 63dd7cd9-b489-4adf-a28c-ac38b9a0f962 Invite guest users to the organization Allows the app to invite guest users to the organization, on behalf of the signed-in user. Invite guest users to the organization Allows the app to invite guest users to the organization, on your behalf.
User.ManageIdentities.All 637d7bec-b31e-4deb-acc9-24275642a2c9 Manage user identities Allows the app to read, update and delete identities that are associated with a user’s account that the signed-in user has access to. This controls the identities users can sign-in with. Manage user identities Allows the app to read, update and delete identities that are associated with a user’s account that you have access to. This controls the identities users can sign-in with.
User.Read e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d Sign in and read user profile Allows users to sign-in to the app, and allows the app to read the profile of signed-in users. It also allows the app to read basic company information of signed-in users. Sign you in and read your profile Allows you to sign in to the app with your organizational account and let the app read your profile. It also allows the app to read basic company information.
User.Read.All a154be20-db9c-4678-8ab7-66f6cc099a59 Read all users’ full profiles Allows the app to read the full set of profile properties, reports, and managers of other users in your organization, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all users’ full profiles Allows the app to read the full set of profile properties, reports, and managers of other users in your organization, on your behalf.
User.ReadBasic.All b340eb25-3456-403f-be2f-af7a0d370277 Read all users’ basic profiles Allows the app to read a basic set of profile properties of other users in your organization on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes display name, first and last name, email address and photo. Read all users’ basic profiles Allows the app to read a basic set of profile properties of other users in your organization on your behalf. Includes display name, first and last name, email address and photo.
User.ReadWrite b4e74841-8e56-480b-be8b-910348b18b4c Read and write access to user profile Allows the app to read your profile. It also allows the app to update your profile information on your behalf. Read and update your profile Allows the app to read your profile, and discover your group membership, reports and manager. It also allows the app to update your profile information on your behalf.
User.ReadWrite.All 204e0828-b5ca-4ad8-b9f3-f32a958e7cc4 Read and write all users’ full profiles Allows the app to read and write the full set of profile properties, reports, and managers of other users in your organization, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write all users’ full profiles Allows the app to read and write the full set of profile properties, reports, and managers of other users in your organization, on your behalf.
UserActivity.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp 47607519-5fb1-47d9-99c7-da4b48f369b1 Read and write app activity to users’ activity feed Allows the app to read and report the signed-in user’s activity in the app. Read and write app activity to your activity feed Allows the app to read and report your activity in the app.
UserAuthenticationMethod.Read 1f6b61c5-2f65-4135-9c9f-31c0f8d32b52 Read user authentication methods. Allows the app to read the signed-in user’s authentication methods, including phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like the signed-in user’s passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use the signed-in user’s authentication methods. Read your authentication methods. Allows the app to read your authentication methods, including phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like your passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use your authentication methods.
UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All aec28ec7-4d02-4e8c-b864-50163aea77eb Read all users’ authentication methods Allows the app to read authentication methods of all users in your organization that the signed-in user has access to. Authentication methods include things like a user’s phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use the authentication methods. Read all users’ authentication methods Allows the app to read authentication methods of all users you have access to in your organization. Authentication methods include things like a user’s phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use the authentication methods.
UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite 48971fc1-70d7-4245-af77-0beb29b53ee2 Read and write user authentication methods Allows the app to read and write the signed-in user’s authentication methods, including phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like the signed-in user’s passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use the signed-in user’s authentication methods. Read and write your authentication methods Allows the app to read and write your authentication methods, including phone numbers and Authenticator app settings.This does not allow the app to see secret information like your passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use your authentication methods.
UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All b7887744-6746-4312-813d-72daeaee7e2d Read and write all users’ authentication methods. Allows the app to read and write authentication methods of all users in your organization that the signed-in user has access to. Authentication methods include things like a user’s phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use the authentication methods. Read and write all users’ authentication methods Allows the app to read and write authentication methods of all users you have access to in your organization. Authentication methods include things like a user’s phone numbers and Authenticator app settings. This does not allow the app to see secret information like passwords, or to sign-in or otherwise use the authentication methods.
UserNotification.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp 26e2f3e8-b2a1-47fc-9620-89bb5b042024 Deliver and manage user’s notifications Allows the app to send, read, update and delete user’s notifications. Deliver and manage your notifications Allows the app to send, read, update and delete your app-specific notifications.
UserTimelineActivity.Write.CreatedByApp 367492fc-594d-4972-a9b5-0d58c622c91c Write app activity to users’ timeline Allows the app to report the signed-in user’s app activity information to Microsoft Timeline. Write app activity to your timeline Allows the app to report your app activity information to Microsoft Timeline.
WindowsUpdates.ReadWrite.All 11776c0c-6138-4db3-a668-ee621bea2555 Read and write all Windows update deployment settings Allows the app to read and write all Windows update deployment settings for the organization on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write all Windows update deployment settings Allows the app to read and write all Windows update deployment settings for the organization on your behalf.
WorkforceIntegration.Read.All f1ccd5a7-6383-466a-8db8-1a656f7d06fa Read workforce integrations Allows the app to read workforce integrations, to synchronize data from Microsoft Teams Shifts, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read workforce integrations Allows the app to read workforce integrations, to synchronize data from Microsoft Teams Shifts, on your behalf.
WorkforceIntegration.ReadWrite.All 08c4b377-0d23-4a8b-be2a-23c1c1d88545 Read and write workforce integrations Allows the app to manage workforce integrations, to synchronize data from Microsoft Teams Shifts, on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write workforce integrations Allows the app to manage workforce integrations, to synchronize data from Microsoft Teams Shifts, on your behalf.
eDiscovery.Read.All 99201db3-7652-4d5a-809a-bdb94f85fe3c Read all eDiscovery objects Allows the app to read eDiscovery objects such as cases, custodians, review sets and other related objects on behalf of the signed-in user. Read all eDiscovery objects Allows the app to read eDiscovery objects such as cases, custodians, review sets and other related objects on your behalf.
eDiscovery.ReadWrite.All acb8f680-0834-4146-b69e-4ab1b39745ad Read and write all eDiscovery objects Allows the app to read and write eDiscovery objects such as cases, custodians, review sets and other related objects on behalf of the signed-in user. Read and write all eDiscovery objects Allows the app to read and write eDiscovery objects such as cases, custodians, review sets and other related objects on your behalf.
email 64a6cdd6-aab1-4aaf-94b8-3cc8405e90d0 View users’ email address Allows the app to read your users’ primary email address View your email address Allows the app to read your primary email address
offline_access 7427e0e9-2fba-42fe-b0c0-848c9e6a8182 Maintain access to data you have given it access to Allows the app to see and update the data you gave it access to, even when users are not currently using the app. This does not give the app any additional permissions. Maintain access to data you have given it access to Allows the app to see and update the data you gave it access to, even when you are not currently using the app. This does not give the app any additional permissions.
openid 37f7f235-527c-4136-accd-4a02d197296e Sign users in Allows users to sign in to the app with their work or school accounts and allows the app to see basic user profile information. Sign in as you Allows you to sign in to the app with your work or school account and allows the app to read your basic profile information.
profile 14dad69e-099b-42c9-810b-d002981feec1 View users’ basic profile Allows the app to see your users’ basic profile (name, picture, user name) View your basic profile Allows the app to see your basic profile (name, picture, user name)