Configure OU permissions for Okta Active Directory agent
User PowerShell and dsacls to update the OU permissions for the Okta Active Directory agent.
User PowerShell and dsacls to update the OU permissions for the Okta Active Directory agent.
How to find the name of an AWS AMI using PowerShell that can be then used for a filter by Packer
August 2017
On my main VM Windows 10 search stopped working along with input to the Edge browser
Use Ansible and the ipify api to get the public IP address of the network you are currently connected to.
How to use the SSH Agent plugin for Jenkins to authenticate to a Github Enterprise server to install an Ansible role
Use Ansible to get AWS DynamoDB tables for automation. How to get the tables by specifying certain tag values.
Use PowerShell to create the required IAM EC2 instance profile for the CloudWatch agent to collect more system level metrics and send them to CloudWatch.
Use PowerShell core to start AWS EC2 instances on a daily schedule and some useful EC2 filters for PowerShell
This post will cover how to use PowerShell core running in a lambda to tag unnamed EC2 volumes.
How to use PowerShell to create a backup strategy with AWS backup.
Overview of managing IAM Users and Roles in AWS using PowerShell
Create an AWS EC2 instance with a specified volume size instead of the default size and tag with a Name and Description tag.
Deploy a CloudFormation template into AWS with PowerShell and the AWS PowerShell module
How to test an AWS cloudformation template with PowerShell
June 2017
Solution using PowerShell and Azure automation to send invites to guest users leveraging Azure AD B2B capabilities.
Create an Azure Automation Runbook to check the last sync time between Active Directory and Azure AD.
Create an Azure automation job that is triggered by a POST to a webhook with PowerShell and output data from the JSON payload
How to create ssh keys and use them to connect to a Linux vm running on Azure
Create a PowerShell run book to stop VMs with a certain tag value to automatically stop Azure VMs
My Azure Automation PowerShell runbook started failing with the error Run Login-AzureRmAccount to login.
Domain joining the management VM
Creating a VM to manage Azure Active Directory Domain Services
Setting up Azure Active Directory Domain Services in the Portal
VNET setup for Azure Active Directory Domain Services
July 2017
Create a self signed certificate and use it with HAProxy and in the Windows store for local development with HTTPS sites
Resources I used to pass the SC-300 Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator Certification Exam.
Use Pester for integration testing for Chef recipes
Using package management on Windows with Chocolatey and useful commands.
How to use SSL Poke to test Java SSL connections and verify the cacerts file has the correct certificates.
Creating a JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) with Python for use with an Okta service application to authenticate with Terraform.
I was asked to investigate how to authenticate our proof of concept
How to set the correct permissions for the service account linking Microsoft Dynamics 365 lifecycle services and Azure DevOps to deploy to Azure.
Details including the IDs of the MS Graph permissions. Useful for deploying Azure AD applications via code.
How to use Packer with Azure to create custom virtual machine images for Azure vms.
Call a Python script passing an argument and saving return value in variable example.
Use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module to get a list of User Principal Names of Global Admins Azure AD role.
Use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module to get a list of users consuming a particular licence.
Short post on how to use PowerShell and regex to extract an email address from a string.
Use the Universal Dashboard PowerShell module to display build data from Azure DevOps.
Small script that will get the UserPrincipalName lengths of all users in Active Directory and sort them by size.
Use PowerShell and the AWS module to create a CloudTrail trail for all regions that captures S3 and Lamda events and saves the logs to S3.
Using the AzContext cmdlets to manage multiple Azure environments and subscriptions
Going over the basics of using the AZ PowerShell module to manage users and groups in Azure Active Directory. This post was crafted on Ubuntu 18.04
Use AWS PowerShell module to get basic EC2 information including the AMI name used to create the instance.
How to find installed software on Windows using PowerShell
How to pass variable between build steps in TeamCity using PowerShell
Create Azure container instances from a TeamCity build job to run tests against. Use a service principal to authenticate and carry out actions against an Azu...
Updating PowerShellGet module to enable the installation of the prerelease module for AzureRM
Use PowerShell to authenticate with and query the Microsoft Graph
How to delegate the resetting of Azure MFA to others via a Slack command without the need for elevating their user account to Global Admin
How to find AD users in a specific OU created in the last 31 days
Automating Windows AMI ID updating with PowerShell
May 2017
March 2017
How to authenticate and query the Airthings API with Python
How to authenticate with the Workday SOAP API and query for a worker by worker ID using Python and Zeep.
Example of using token based authentication and username with password authentication to connect to the TeamCity API with python.
After completing a teamcity upgrade from version 9 to 2017, the project wasn’t able to connect to Github because of authentication failure.
Save Terraform state files on Azure blob storage.
Use Terraform to deploy an Azure AD application and set MS Graph permissions and retrieve the secret.
How to guide on adding and managing applications in Okta with Terraform.
Sometimes you need to delete a project if you’ve been testing or using it for demos, here’s how to.
Guide on how to deploy an S3 bucket on Amazon Web Services from the build release pipeline in Visual Studio Team Services
Set up a connection between Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services and Amazon Web Services to deploy AWS resources from VSTS