Get the lastest Amazon AMIs using PowerShell
June 2017
Need to find the latest AMI ID for Amazon Linux but don’t want to use web console (click, click, click…)? This simple PowerShell script will return the latest AMI IDs for Amazon Linux. I use this script to update AMI IDs in cloudformation maps.
You can change or add the regions as needed, you can use the following command to get the regions:
Which as of 15th June 2017, gives the following:
Region | Name |
ap-northeast-1 | Asia Pacific (Tokyo) |
ap-northeast-2 | Asia Pacific (Seoul) |
ap-south-1 | Asia Pacific (Mumbai) |
ap-southeast-1 | Asia Pacific (Singapore) |
ap-southeast-2 | Asia Pacific (Sydney) |
ca-central-1 | Canada (Central) |
eu-central-1 | EU Central (Frankfurt) |
eu-west-1 | EU West (Ireland) |
eu-west-2 | EU West (London) |
sa-east-1 | South America (Sao Paulo) |
us-east-1 | US East (Virginia) |
us-east-2 | US East (Ohio) |
us-west-1 | US West (N. California) |
us-west-2 | US West (Oregon) |
The next project will to be to generate the AMI mappings for cloudformation so it is easier to update.